Twenty Two

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Zane's pov

I woke up to a bitch slap

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled.
"YOU HURT THE CHILD!" Garroth yelled.
"What did I do!"
"Ok so travis calls laurence and is all sad cause you lashed out on him then 2 hours later Laurence gets a text I'm dragged to Travis' house, he literally doesn't even knock barges in there. Looks his mother straight in the eye and says "where is my son I mean uh your son" so she just says upstairs like this is the norm and Travis just starts crying into our arms because he had a nightmare that you lashed out on him again and it broke his tiny little heart. Then he tells us every single word you said the first time and honestly I know you have a mouth but you better wash your mouth out with soup right now. He was only trying to check up on you zane and this is what you do."
"What are you talking about!" I finally yelled.
"I'm talking about how much that pour boy loves you Zane and he can't take this so you better March to his house right now and apologise."
"Wait what did I do?"
"You don't remember?"
"Well.... Travis tried to come and check up on you sense you passed out."
"That's sweet."
"But you I guess tired and off of medication just yelled some interesting stuff."
"Like.. what?"

~Le flash back to when Travis was yelled at by zane~

"Oh you're waking up- ooof!" Travis groaned as he was punched out of Zane's bed.
"Why the fuck are here I thought I told you seven hundred fucking times already to stay out of my business bastard, no one needs your slutty input every second of their lives."
"Oh are you trying to 'oh Zane' me well think again because I'm not just going to let you braking into my house and then sleeping with me slide right by me."
"Wait no..."
"Just shut up."
Zane sharply grabbed Travis's arm and hauled him off of the floor, "Feel lucky I'm not calling the police or worse pounding your face in until you look like the drug addict you are."
He then basically threw Travis out of the window, "Go stick your perverted ego up your ass snow white."

Travis climbed down and gripped his shirt over his heart tears already dropped and he had to sit in the alley way for almost an hour just to get his face dry enough to walk home.

~Le end of flash back~

"Your lying I wouldn't say anything like that to Travis."
"Well you did Zane."
"What time is it?'
"Almost ten. I got home a long time ago but I was told to let you sleep until supper. Pretty late for supper."
"No no no no no," I said stumbling out of bed.
"Yes yes yes, you have to come eat something."
"No I'm leaving."
"Wait Zane where are you going."
"You know where I'm going."
"Zane wait come on you can apologise tomorrow!"
"Save my plate!"

Travis' pov

  I laid down my window opened to let the fresh air in. My supper plate still full was on the counter. I would be crying but I completely ran out of tears. I know everyone was telling me not to worry or that Zane is like this or it's just his issues but I can't think that way. I was too tired.

I stood up groggy and slouched as I was about turn to go to the bathroom. Or maybe get a coat leave and never look back. I couldn't do either though as i was tackled to my bed.
I would scream but my voice had escaped me. I kicked my legs but was of no avail to hit my attacker. Eventually I just gave up. I didn't really care what happened to me at this point. I honestly just felt so dead inside.

"I'm so so sorry," He said.
"Zane?" I whispered my voice cracking. Who knew sobbing could make you loose your voice?"
"I don't even remember saying anything to you but garroth told me I lashed out on you and I'm sorry look you're making me cry Travis because I'm so scared that I hurt you...... And..... And I've seen so many people hurt themselves because others have hurt them or.. or I've seen people hurt others and the people they care about and and and...." I hugged back Zane as I held his head on my shoulder, "You just had me so worried....."
"Well you got here just on time..."
"I'm sorry for calling you this things I should really wash my mouth out with soap."
"It's ok," I mouthed.
"I'll leave now... I don't want to get you involved with my fucking issues. Just wanted to say I'm sorry."
"Bitch what no, you can't get rid of me now- oh good my voice is back."
"You mean you don't hate me now?"
"I was more worried about you hating me."
"I definitely don't hate you Travis."
"Well that's good considering you just climbed trough my window and tackled me to my bed."
"Oh yeah looks like i did," He smiled the moon lighting up his face, "Garroth also said something else to me though Travis..."
"Which was?"
"Well he told me basically that you loved me but I'm sure that was just him being him because who would love an emo, angry twitchy nerd who lashes out on people am I right-" I cut him off half expecting to get pushed back and told that this was not the direction this was going in but luckily it was as he kissed back after processing what just happened. I could feel his hesitation in it so I squeezed him tight.

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