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Laurence's Pov

I looked at the clock 2:59, The bell rang a little early like always and I quickly looked back over at the perfect four. This time however, it was different.

Garroth, he turned around and poked Zane's shoulder while whispering something.

Zane, then purposely kicked aphmau's leg.

Aphmau, she grunts before standing up.

The rest of it goes normally except Garroth doesn't leave. Maybe he got detention? No I can't see that....

With Dante already dragging Travis away I stood up. Before I left I was stopped.

"Do you Shevardnadze [How in the name of all that is holy do you mess up spelling Have so bad it auto corrects to Shevardnadze?] have a grudge against me?" The blonde asked.
"Well I mean you're always staring at me and my brothers. You have that look on you that says, 'oh look it's the guy I hate.' So if I I've ever done something to make you mad I'm sorry, but could you please stop staring at me it gets creepy."
"Oh y-you notice that?"
"Yeah, I do."
"Well I don't hate you. I guess I just stare at you a lot... Heh," I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Well thank you for the clarification, you're name is Laurence correct?"
"Oh yeah, Garroth right?"
"Well actually Garroth you and I should hang out some time."

Let me explain why I suddenly brought this up. Think about it, Everyone loves me but I'm a total screw up. Every person alive knows it too! So if I start hanging out with Garroth then maybe my screwupness will go away. After all the emo one's still known as perfect and he definitely isn't. Like if this plan works people will actually look up to me! Especially if I get in with Garroth.... He's the all mighty. I mean come on he's hot, smart and captain of the baseball team!

"Oh I uh guess?"
"Great, here I can give you my number and you can give me yours."
"Oh sorry I don't have a cell phone."
"Well you got to have a house phone, everyone does."
"Yeah I do... But I don't know the number! Yeah I don't know the number."
"Oh well here you can still call me," I handed him a slip of paper with my number on it.
In unison the rest of the perfect four barged back in, "WE'VE GOT NO TIME FOR YOU TO TALK ANYMORE REMEMBER WHAT WE HAD TO DO TODAY!" Zane yelled.
"OH CRAP! It was nice taking with you Laurence!" He was then dragged away.
I wonder what's got them in such a rush. Probably hanging out with the baseball team or some thing. I tripped as left the class. I'm a hot mess.

Garroths Pov

I slammed the ladder down harder then I've ever slammed it before. We didn't bother with the bucket Instead I just chucked Vyald and Aphmau up there while me and Zane made the holy leap of faith.
We rolled through the window just as the witch opened the door.

"Oh good you brats are home...."
"Hello Mrs. Ivy."
"Quit the crap already you know where the cleaning supplies are, I want this place spotless! Oh and don't touch the sink cabinet!"

She left and we sighed getting the cleaning supplies whichever stored in the 'Toy Chest' which was conveniently in our room.
I tossed the broom to Zane, duster to Vylad, windex and stuff to Aphmau, and the mop to me.

"Well life sure is divided into the horrible and the miserable...." Zane groaned.
"What does that make us?" I asked him.
"The divider." Aphmau replied.
"What does that mean?" Vyald asked.
"It means our lives suck," Zane retorted.
"Well..... Then yeah!"

The mop swooshed as Ivy left. Vylad held the journal while dusting. He spoke aloud what he wrote as we worked.

"Isn't this day just great! I was late to most my classes and gene was being a dick! I nearly punched the guy sitting next to me in math, I'm pretty sure he was on drugs most likely meth. On top of that my science teacher hates my flipping guts and with all do respect my lab partners brain is the size of a peanut. Speaking in general it sucks ass being the youngest in the school every two seconds I'm being tripped up by a bafoon! You know at least it's not as worse as it once was... I guess that's because people look at another side and see a cute precious cinnamon roll.... They say I never curse well they haven't seen worst of me just yet. Yeah this doesn't seem so bad people have it worse but you know it's not illegal to complain so my life effing sucks."

He flicked the journal on the chair, Zane as he swept around picked it up he did the same thing Vylad did.

"I mean today was decent despite being late. I had to wake up that weird guy about seven times. He thanked me ever time even though once I just kicked him in the nuts. Of course I had gym and that ass ivy tripped me again. Well I guess it seems that every ivy I know has it out for me. So now I'm stuck back here nearly got detention but you know that's just the normal. At least every time I walk in the halls people look at me and they wish they were me the lucky one who gets to be in the perfect four. Well I wish they could just walk through that door then maybe they'd see we're not that perfect after all."

He aggressively swept as he flicked it down the hall. His black hair swooshing with it.
Vyald slid down the hall shining the floor. He grabbed a scarf off the coat rack and put it on.

"I'm Mrs. Ivy I'm a total witch and I hate the brats I look after! Oh and don't touch the bathroom sink cabinet!" He intimidated.
We all laughed as Aphmau squirted and shined the window. She leaned down as she picked up the journal. She followed in the footsteps of Vylad and Zane.

"You know today was just the normal routine. Wake up late. Book it to school. Get there just on time. Shrug off all of the perverted guys. Have Zane nearly punch someone for me. Try not to burn anyone especially gene! You Know being the only girl in the perfect four has its perks. You're seen as one of the most perfect girls in school. If you look past all the creepy dudes and the mean girls taunts about my shoes then everything is perfect there! Of course that all ends when I get here and I'm trapped cleaning Windows but I ain't no Cinderella! No prince will come for me.... Uhhh!"

She opened the window as we all had to climb out and clean that weird roof thing. You've seen movies you know what I'm talking about. The trash cans were below so Vylad took the fire escape down and took one of the lids. Zane heaved over the bags of trash.
"Trash, Trash, Recycling, Trash....."

I took the book from Aphmau. Minus well do this to. Except I did my entry back in our room which I was left to clean. The window hung gently open. No one was there to listen.

"Everyone looks at me like I'm some kind of king. Yet in the back of their eyes you can see they think I'm a jester. My only job is to keep my siblings happy.... Once I'm 18 I'll get out of here I'll get my own job I'll foster them all so they can be free..... It's tuff being the oldest your stuck kind of on your own. While you take all the blame from that witch if you ever get hit your already numb to it. Everyone looks at you like a king. Everyone looks at me like I'm a king. They see a deep voiced blonde haired baseball team captain who leads the group of four perfect teenagers. The mysterious book worm, The excitable cutie, The beautiful lady and of course of me. I am the king, Aphmau is the princess, Vylad and Zane are the silly princes.... But we don't live in a fairy tale..... And even if we did. The king must sacrifice himself.... So the others can live. So I'll take all the blame... I'll take the work... I'll take the broken hearts and dreams of the boy my mother raised me to be..... Because I must sacrifice myself. I am the king....." I sighed as I finished making the beds. I didn't write that down. I just kind of thought-Sang it to myself.

I dusted my hands off of my shirt as I looked out the window for a second before closing it. I walked back out to join the other three.

"Well at least we're finished that." I said.
"Yeah... Glad that's over with..." Vylad said.
"What'd you write in the journal?" Aphmau asked.
"Nothing I didn't really have anything to write about."
"Oh? Well you know Ivy isn't going to be home for a while. We can just relax for a while." Zane suggested.
"Yeah that'll be a first."
We all nodded as we walked back into our room and plopped on our beds.
"Let some fresh in!" Vylad said pushing the window open before quickly shutting it and the blinds, "You know what screw fresh air."
"What is it vylad?"
"People from our school! Well it was like one guy but still!"
"well I doubt he saw you besides it doesn't really matter you could have any excuse for being in this house visiting relatives helping the elderly couple that lives here clean etc..."
"Very true."
"Well it's Friday at least...."
"Hoooray!" We all said in unison.


Eyyyyyy I don't really know what to write in this author's note except hope you enjoyed so see ya

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