~:Chapter One:~

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Do you know that one person that you hated at first then you fell in love with him? Yeah that's how I feel about Jonah Marias.. After this whole dare thing I'm starting to love him... But, things went wrong and I don't think he likes me anymore. Wait, you don't know the story. Let me tell you it from the beginning.... Here we go......

"Alexandra!!!! Time to go to school," My mom yelled at me as I start walking down the stairs with little stomps. My mom is rude, she yells at me a lot. Oh and my dad? Well, he died a month ago. After my dads death my family broke apart. My brother moved to live with my aunt he goes to the same school but we never talk. Its like we never knew each other.

Once I'm downstairs my mom looks at me. She rolls her eyes and walks to the kitchen to get my lunch. I look down at my outfit. I thought it was cute...

 I grab my lunch from my mom and walk to my car

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I grab my lunch from my mom and walk to my car. I start my car as I get situated. I turned on the radio and as I am driving I'm singing every song that comes on. I don't like singing in front of people I feel like they will judge me a lot.

I pull up to school. I park and then after I get out. I see 'my little stalker', Jonah Marias, looking at me. I can tell he has a crush on me, I don't know why. I'm like way out of his league.

"Your stalker is looking at you again," Tiffany said laughing. I roll my eyes and laughed a little. Tiffany went to her boyfriend after, so I kept walking. I felt a buzz in my pocket and I looked down at my phone then bumped into somebody.

"Oh... Sorry," some guy said. I looked up and saw it was Reed Deming. I give off a small smile and said it was fine but he just looked at me rolled his eyes and walked away. We have some bad history... I'll explain later or you'll find out. After that I get to my locker and start grabbing stuff for first period.

"Heyyyyy bitch," Kathrine said. I started smiling.

"Heyyyyyy," I said. Kathrine is my best friend I trust her and only her with my secrets. But, not all...

"So lunch, we are meeting by the tree instead of the lunchroom," she said as she pulls out her phone and starts texting someone, then looks up. "We are hanging with the guys.

{Skip to lunch}~ I walk to the tree and there was the big group. We are usually a smaller group, but when we are with the guys it's big.

"Hey guys," I said as I sat by Kathrine.

"We're playing truth or dare wanna join," Nick asked.

"Sure," I said.

"Okay Alexandra... Truth or dare," Nick says.

"Uhhh dare," I said. Everyone around me starts smiling. My face starts turning little red.

"I dare you to ask that Reed guy out," Nick says.

"I can't ask him out that is a bad idea.. I have a bad history with him," I said nervously. Then, Kathrine got excited and whispered in Nick's ear.

"Fine, ask out Jonah your little stalker and if he says yes you have to date him for 4 months," Nick said smiling.  I fall backwards. I can't get myself out of this one. Without thinking I get up and start walking to him. I hear my friends asking if I'm is actually doing it, oh my gosh, and stuff. I guess I am actually walking up to him. I get to Jonah. If I look straight I'm looking at the top of his stomach. So, I had to look up.

"Jonah," I paused, I'm actually saying this," Would you like to be my boyfriend." I hope he says no, but then again he does like me.

"Sure," Jonah said smiling and kinda confused. Of course he said sure. Well... This gonna be a long 4 months.

Was It All A Dare? {Jonah Marias}Where stories live. Discover now