Chapter 4

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Taehyung's pov

That night we celebrated as the news of finding the human's village spread throughout the town. The 'monsters' sharpened their weapons although there was little need for them and they rested, knowing full well that they were in for a treat. After I had told my father of the human village, he had rushed to alert the rest of the council.

We sat in the luxurious office which belonged to the highest official. The floor was made of marble and tapestries of silk hang from the walls. Gold and riches were scattered around the room, clearly showing off the position of authority that the highest official possessed.

Slightly older than myself, it was a mystery how Namjoon held such a respectable position of authority. Although he possessed accountable leadership skills and without a doubt was loved by everyone; it was obvious that it was because of his eyes. Namjoon's  eyes were much rarer than any other monster's for that matter. His eyes were similar to indigo and his hair was bleached (like myself Namjoon almost always had a different hair colour.) Although his eyes would suggest power and authority, Namjoon was weak when it came to fighting. Despite my rank I had easily beaten him.

We were seated around a large round table which was probably only utilised for important discussions (Namjoon did not seem the type to eat dinner at a table.) I had announced my discovery to the council. I had never seen so many old men look so alive before. Their eyes seemed to gleam with excitement. It was no lie that although humans filled us with energy, they were also an addiction. The older we got, the more insane and dysfunctional we became if we lacked human's souls. Most of the council consisted of men who were older than fifty; men who were corrupt and sick in the minds.  I despised ninety percent of the council, my own father included. Despite this, I would do anything to make my father proud.

A plan was put into place and it was decided that we would attack the very next evening. I left soon after, for despite my rank I had little business with the council. I was merely my father's successor. When I arrived home, the gates were opened for me and I walked up the long pathway that led to the front door. On either side of the pathway, flowers blossomed and provided a contrast of colour against the dark eerie mansion. My father cared little for flowers and gardens and often argued that they made him appear weak. Despite his argument mother and Jimin would spend hours a week tending to the gardens. It had always angered me that Jimin was closer to my mother than I was yet he was not even her son.

Jimin sat on the floor of the kitchen, with one earphone in his right ear and the other lay beside him unused as if he was waiting for someone to use it. It was no secret that Jimin would sneak his girlfriend into the mansion. I had seen her wandering around the gardens with her hands held tightly in Jimin's. She was of a much higher rank than he was, that much was obvious. Her eyes were blue and his were brown, this made the relationship between them very much illegal. They would taint the bloodlines much like my father had done when he had beded Jimin's mother and then viciously murdered her so that he would not gain a bad reputation. Jimin had no idea that I knew of his love for her and I had no intention of alerting the council. Jimin had dealt with my harsh personality for years, so surely he deserved some happiness (even if it was illegal.)

Jimin handed me a cup of steaming hot coffee as I entered " I saw you enter the gate, I know you don't like man made products but you will need your energy for tomorrow."

"You know about it already?" I questioned.

Jimin raised his eyebrows "You made the biggest discovery in years and you expect no one to find out. The whole town was dancing and singing with excitement. I had to go around  the whole town just to make it home in time for your arrival."

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