Chapter 21

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Eli's pov

Weeks had passed and Taehyung had begun to smile more, he seemed happier, almost childlike and it saddened me that he had to make up for his lost childhood.

We spent most of our time in the forest climbing trees and chasing each other, searching as we hid from each other's sights. Taehyung had a rough childhood and I had little freedom back in the village. In many ways we were both making up for our lost years.

That morning began like any other morning had for the last two weeks. I would knock on Taehyung's door and he would open it, dressed in his dressing gown, still half asleep. We would sit on the fur carpet that lay in the middle of his lounge and we would drink coffee, mine was always bitter while Taehyung's coffee was over sweetened, so much that it had tasted like poison when I had stolen a sip of his coffee. We would sit and discuss everything from life to death but neither of us spoke much of our past, too afraid to reveal more than we had already.

After our coffee we would eat breakfast with Jimin, it always seemed to be so awkward and although it was clear that both Jimin and Taehyung cared about each other, there was a wall separating them, a wall of jealously and denial. Jimin had grown distant and said little to me, glaring at me whenever I walked past.

Taehyung would then take me to the forest and I would lean against a tree reading to him much like Hakyeon had done when I was little. Taehyung would close his eyes and focus on my voice as he spoke to the demon that lay within him. My voice was there acting as an anchor in case the demon decided to surface but he never did. The demon said little to Taehyung and chose to withdraw in the shadows of Taehyung's mind, angered by Taehyung's decision to change.

That morning, we did not seek comfort in the closed off forest and its trees that provided us with a sense of peace. We were disrupted by heavy rainfall that flooded the ground of the forest as the water ran off into the river; lighting had rendered the forest a mess that was not easily accessible. Taehyung had refused to let me leave the house, too afraid that I would get sick. I had rolled my eyes at him but I agreed with his decision to stay inside.

I sat in his lounge, glancing longingly at the world outside. Taehyung had left the room ages ago, for what I had no idea. I lay on the carpet, which was far more comfortable than the couch and I curled up into a ball, hating the freezing cold weather that had taken over. I had begun to drift off to sleep when Taehyung had entered the room again, bringing with him a pile of blankets and a blank canvas. He threw the blanket at me and it landed over my head, covering my face and blocking out what little light there was in the room.

Taehyung laughed and lifted the blanket over my face, wrapping it around me so that all that could be seen was my face.

"Come I started a fire in the upstairs, it will be much warmer up there." He said answering my question as to where he had been.

I stood up and followed him, wrapped in a cocoon of blankets and tripping over my own feet. He pulled me up the stairs and led me into the library. I ran towards the grand fireplace longing for warmth. Taehyung placed a blanket on the wooden floor for us to sit on and he placed blankets over us for extra warmth.

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