Chapter 23

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Eli's pov

"Well then kiss me" I whispered in Taehyung's ear surprising him as I pushed him back so that he was lying on the couch, facing me as I straddled him.

"I thought you said it was too dangerous." he whispered back to me as he moved his hands to hold me by my waist.

Taehyung stared into my eyes, intensely as if he was acknowledging every part of me as his eyes wandered to stare at my body. I felt my cheeks heat up as they were painted red with embarrassment and I dropped my head to rest it on his shoulder as I hid my blushing face.

Taehyung chuckled as he moved his right hand which had previously rested on my waist and he lifted my head up so that he could continue to stare at me. I would be lying If I said I was not affected by his stare because Taehyung seemed to stare at me as if he was admiring me, he stared at me as one would stare at an artist's masterpiece. To my surprise I did not feel uncomfortable or even self conscious as I had felt in the past because something was different. No longer was I wary of Taehyung because I had grown comfortable with Taehyung.

Nari's plan seemed impossible for me to execute as I had grown to admire Taehyung even over the short span of a few weeks.

His blue eyes which had shielded him and protected him for so long stared at me and I couldn't help but stare back. Taehyung's skin was radiating, as if he himself was light and I felt myself staring at his chest which had been exposed slightly by his buttons. Shyly I brought my hand up to his collarbones as I ran my hand along his exposed skin. I pulled my hands away and was shocked when Taehyung moved to sit up and he grabbed my hands and held them tightly in his own. He grabbed my arm and brought it closer to his lips as he kissed up my arm and paused when he reached my neck.

I shuddered as Taehyung unclipped the collar which sat around my neck showing the other monsters that I was his, that thought alone made me miss the presence of the leather collar. Taehyung kissed my neck as he made his way up to where my mouth was. He pulled away as he stared at me teasingly without kissing me.

I glared at him, frustrated by his teasing I took matters into my own hands as I grabbed onto his head and pulled his face close to mine and I slammed my lips against his lips which he had a habit of biting when he was nervous or deep in thought. Taehyung responded by running his hands down from my waist to my thighs as he moved his lips against mine. I pulled his hair as he kissed me passionately.

I pulled away, feeling slightly embarrassed by my actions as I moved so that I was crossing my legs as I sat before him. "I just realized that Jin and Yoongi are next door." I spoke alarmed that I had forgotten that they had probably seen everything and worse we were still in the club, even if it was a private section.

"I know." Taehyung whispered confidently.

I looked at him, shocked that he had let me do something so embarrassing in front of other people. "They probably saw everything." I exclaimed horrified at the thought.

Taehyung pulled me forward and lifted me so that I was now sitting on his lap; he pulled me closer as he leaned his nose against mine. Confidently he declared "Let them see." before he moved to kiss my neck once more.

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