Chapter 36

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The broken mirror reflected who I had become; the white eyes of the demon shone through my own and I gasped at my altered appearance. I placed my hand over my heart to clean the wounds from the demon's blade but there were none and all that was left was a tiny scar; placed exactly where the demon would take my heart.

Hakyeon gripped my hand as he held his tears back "Why did you offer something worth so much?" he asked, knowing very well that I would not answer him and I could not answer him because I had no answer.

I turned to face him; saddened by how thin and sickly he appeared. "I don't know but I promise you I will not go down so easily."

"With your brother gone it is up to me to protect you but I cannot even do that." He muttered as he turned shamefully to avoid my gaze and so I would not see just how much he missed Leo.

"Leo knows I can protect myself." I sighed as I met his gaze "Hakyeon if it wasn't for your way of thinking I would still be locked up in that room so it is up to me to protect you, all I ask is that you lend me your thoughts."

Hakyeon nodded with a slight smile "My thoughts are saying that it is best to leave soon. I have a feeling that if we don't it will be too late."

I nodded in response, punching him softly on the shoulder as I turned to walk outside the lounge. "Then I will leave today." I ruffled his hair "Get some rest. You need it more than anyone."

"I don't need to rest. I'm fine." He spoke with a fake smile, one that I knew all too well. "What I need is to be allowed to go with you so I don't feel useless."

"Hakyeon." I sighed, watching as he gave me an annoyed look, daring me to protest. "Fine you can come with but please stay safe. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you." I pulled him into a hug "You are the only family I really have left and if Leo really is dead then he would want me to keep you alive."

Hakyeon nodded "besides like you said, you need my thoughts anyway." He pulled away from me as he smiled. "I will pack everything we need." He spoke quickly as if he was in a hurry as he left the room.

I sighed in relief as he left, gripping onto my head in an attempt to silence the demon's constant criticism.

"You cannot leave yet. Your body is still weak from summoning me." The demon scolded me, hurting my mind as I was not yet used to sharing my body and my thoughts.

"I don't have time to wait for my body to accept you." I yelled as discretely as possible; knowing I would have problems if Hakyeon heard that my body was rejecting the demon's contract.

"You are weak and your body is ill. Some part of you rejects the idea of forming a contract with me and as long as that happens I cannot be of much use." The demon spat out as she brought a great deal of pain to my body.

I held on to the window sill so that I wouldn't fall as I lost feeling in my legs. "We have to do something. I thought demons could possess humans easily." I croaked out, angered by how my plan seemed to be failing.

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