Chapter 5

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I felt as if all energy had been drained from my body. I was somewhere in between life and death; I was stuck in limbo. The monster had taken a taste of my soul, not enough for him to kill me or to gain my memories but it was enough to make me pass out. I could see nothing around me other than darkness but I heard everything clearly. The sounds of screams, battle cries of rage and the sobs of mourning was all that was heard along with the heavy footsteps of the monster.

I woke up and the face of a monster states down at me. This monster had a damp cloth placed against my forehead and he smiled at me with sympathy. His chocolate brown eyes showed nothing but kindness but despite his kindness I promised myself that I would never let my guard down. I knew very well that it was not that difficult for a monster to act.

He spoke to me in whispers, as if he thought it would calm me down "I am Jimin and Nari and I will try to keep you sane while you are trapped here."

"For a ruthless monster who intends to make me fear him, he sure has a strange way of going about it. I have never slept in a bed this soft before." I scoffed.

"Taehyung may be cruel but he would not make you starve or live uncomfortably while you are here."

"Then how does he intend to make me fear him?"

Jimin laughed "Certainly not with the traditional methods of torture you were thinking of. He knows that that will not work on you. His plans are of a different sort but I will leave you to figure them out human."

"It's Eli not human. I figured that while I am trapped here the least you monsters could do is call me by my name." I demanded menacingly."

"I am sorry that Taehyung decided to keep you. It almost seems to me as if he has captured himself in the process. I won't lie though it will be quite an interesting show." Jimin proclaimed. "I will take my leave, if Taehyung comes do not mention that I was here."

With that Jimin had exited the room, leaving me alone with nothing but my thoughts and the sound of my stomach begging to be fed.

Despite my previous rest, I was exhausted but I refused to let sleep take me. Who knew what would have happened had I fallen asleep. I spent what felt like hours, staring at the wall that was before me. The wall was painted a baby blue and although it was not the most fascinating colour, it did help to keep me calm. Gold framed mirrors decorated the wall and they made me disgusted by my appearance. My dark hair was stained with blood and knotted together making me dread the hours it would take to brush my hair. My face was covered with a layer of dirt and dried blood from when I had stabbed the monster. i glanced around the room, hoping to see a window or something that would be useful for an escape. To my dismay there was nothing; not even a window but there happened to be a bathroom attached to the room.

I walked towards the bathroom, hoping that there was a tub of water even it was cold. Much to my surprise the bathroom was unlike any I had ever seen other than in illegal books that Hakyeon managed to steal. Hakyeon loved to read but the books which were available to us were never good enough for him. Often he would steal books from the archives or an elder's house knowing full well that they would never suspect him of theft. Hakyeon would then share books with Leo and me. He would act them out with emotions that seemed so true as if he knew what the characters felt and he most probably did for he knew everything about Leo before even Leo himself did. This was most probably why Leo and Hakyeon were inseparable; Hakyeon understood Leo and Leo protected Hakyeon. I had wondered a lot about what Leo was feeling. I did not doubt that he would be looking for me.

Unfortunately my plans to wash the dirt off myself were spoiled as the monster, whose name I had learned was Taehyung, entered the room. An aura of sophistication surrounded him and his austere appearance made it known that he was a man to be feared. He wore a dark suit with a neatly tied blood red tie that almost matched his hair and leather shoes. His outfit was far more extravagant to what the people of the village wore. He greeted me with a look of disgust and I assumed he had taken in my appearance. I was a stark contrast to the room in which I stood. The room screamed elegance, sophistication and beauty while my appearance bled with war, poverty and anger (an appearance which the woman from my village would have frowned upon.)

He spoke with pride and arrogance laced in his voice, "So the little human has awoken. Go wash up and meet me downstairs for dinner. Solar will bring you something more appropriate to wear."

With that he exited the room leaving me to ponder on whether I should be stubborn and refuse to eat or if should suck it up. A large part of me longed for food as hunger had already began to mess with my mind. Another part of me feared what it was that would be served at dinner.

After I had showered I had felt more refreshed than ever before. I wrapped my hair in a towel and left the bathroom. A woman not much older than me sat upon the bed waiting for me. She wore an elegant black dress which screamed seduction. Her dark hair fell in long waves past her shoulders and framing her beautiful face. I knew better than to be jealous of her beauty for we were different species and being jealous of her wasn't much different to being jealous of a dog. I figured that she was Solar, who Taehyung had so proudly mentioned.

She smiled at, kindness evident in her smile as she reminded me of Jimin "Good evening I am Solar. Tae asked me to find you something to wear. Those clothes definitely will not look respectable at a dinner with almost royalty."

I glanced at my own tattered jeans and my loose shirt which had an image of a band that my grandmother used to listen to before the attacks. I was definitely embarrassed of my appearance.

"You need not fear, I am the best stylist around and it is my duty to make sure you look stunning so that you make the men lust for your soul. Once again Tae's orders seem to be in favour of himself." She sighed clearly annoyed by Taehyung's orders.

"What do you mean?" I asked, clearly confused.

"You see you are a human, and if Taehyung has the most beautiful human as a pet, he will be in the spotlight. Many men and even woman will be jealous of him. They will be so jealous it will almost be hatred. Taehyung craves power. We are a species which thrives off beauty that is why we have such a prominent hierarchy. Those who possess beauty are always more powerful than those who could not care less. Despite my hatred for his ways, my cousin is much higher in society than I am. It is my sworn duty to follow his orders."

I said nothing but I was livid at being seen as a pet. It angered me to great extents because I knew very well that I was my own person and I would fight Taehyung even if it was in the company of important monsters. One thing I had always lived for was freedom. I did not have that in the village but I was finally free from the village and I did not intend on being held hostage again.

Hey guys This is kind of a filler chapter. I could not resist I had to put mamamoo in my story (my favourite girl group) anyway I hope you liked the chapter.

Please comment and vote as it would mean a lot to me. Thank you to everyone who reads my story. I love you all. :)

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