Chapter 29

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Eli's pov

I groaned as I clutched my bloody leg, wishing I had been more careful walking in the forest at night. I gripped on to the branch of a rotting tree hoping to steady myself but I fell to the ground, exhausted and annoyed with the situation.

I had no idea how much further I had to go and I had no idea where I was going but I knew I needed to find Leo before anything happened to him. I sighed as I inspected my leg; it was scratched and bruised from my fall earlier, sliced open by the rock on which I fell. I closed my eyes and rested against the tree, far too exhausted to carry on.

"Yes. Why else would I confide in a human? I told you I was a monster and now you see me for what I really am." He chuckled darkly "You were fun to play with, while it lasted." before he slammed his lips roughly against mine.

I bit Taehyung's lip and then pushed him away furiously "No you aren't a monster, because I know somewhere in your dead heart you care." I gripped on to his arm "You just have a habit of hurting those you care about."

"I never cared about you." he forced out as he leaned his forehead against mine, breaking my heart as he stared into my eyes so sorrowfully as if he was once again having a internal battle. I knew very well it was V speaking but Taehyung was there, it was his eyes that seemed to stare into my soul, voicing V'S words as if they were his own.

"Yet I cared about you." I spat "I care about you" I whispered as I turned my face away from his gaze, not wishing for him to see how much he affected me.

"You should not have trusted me so quickly you foolish human." He spoke belittling me as he stood up taller, looking down at me as if he was ashamed of something.

"I won't make that mistake again."

"I doubt that, you humans seem to love making the same mistakes."

"Don't pretend like you are superior. You are no better, killing people then regretting it, but the next day you do the exact same thing." I spat out knowing in some way it would hurt him.

He said nothing but continued to look at me, shifting his gaze nervously to glance at the dagger which lay on the coffee table.

"Where is my brother?" I questioned, determined to get an answer, frustrated as Taehyung looked at me as if he had no plan to answer my question. I grabbed on to his shoulders, threateningly "Where is he." I snarled impatiently.

"I don't know where your brother is for all I know he could be dead already just like you should be."

"Why haven't you killed me then?"

"I should have and perhaps I will but I would rather not." He said as he smiled at me, turning me around as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to the couch. I struggled, hoping to break free of his hold but he held me tighter. "I have other plans for you" he chuckled as he grabbed the dagger that lay on the coffee table and pointed it at me. I would be in danger if I moved even a centimeter forward.

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