Chapter 7

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I lay on my stomach as Nari cleaned my damaged back. I groaned in pain as she used the disinfectant on my fresh wounds. My whole body felt broken and I could scarcely move but I knew that it had been my stubbornness that had caused me pain.

I sat up carefully and pulled my shirt down before thanking Nari. Nari was still wearing what she had worn to the dinner earlier that night except her mask was thrown to the side, revealing her status in the hierarchy. Her blue eyes shone in the dimly lit room and I wondered why she had worn a mask in the first place. Her midnight blue dress made her eyes appear even brighter and the slit down the side of the dress showed her tanned legs and added to her appearance of height and beauty. It was about midnight when Jimin and Nari had visited me; they had waited till they were certain most of the household was asleep before they would clean my wounds.

Jimin held Nari's hand and they both sat on the couch before me. Nari looked at me with sympathy, disgusted at what she had witnessed earlier that evening. She stood, brushing Jimin aside as she paced up and down the length of the room.

"Jimin you better hold me back, before I set those beasts on Taehyung's ass." Nari growled at the sight of the once white dress which i had worn previously.

"Nari, you know very well he had no say in the matter." Jimin spat out. He took a deep breath and in an attempt to calm both Nari and himself down, he placed a hand on her right shoulder. "You need to calm down, Taehyung cannot know of you just yet. What he did was wrong, I cannot deny that, but he had warned her and she left him no choice. You know very well that is how our society works."

Nari slammed her fists against the door "It shouldn't work like this, it is cruel and inhumane. Taehyung had the most power in that room, so what if a few of the nobles looked at him as if he was weak. Stop defending that arrogant bastard who..."

"Nari, that arrogant bastard happens to be my brother!" Jimin interrupted, showing how annoyed he was with the argument. "I understand why you are angry, I am too but you cannot go jumping to conclusions as to why he did what he did. His father just died and as a new noble on the council, he is vulnerable. If he had done nothing he would have looked weak in front of very important people."

"I understand that but he didn't need to inflict this much damage on her. He angered her and she clearly is as strong-willed as he is. He should have known that she would act out yet he insisted on showcasing her at one of the biggest dinner events of the year."

"You know that if it was anyone else, the damage would have been far worse. Taehyung went easy on her." Jimin replied, clearly forgetting that I was still in the room.

"I don't have time for this Jimin, I need to bandage her up. If you value human life as much as you claim you do, then help me by making sure this does not happen again. For now though I want you to leave so that I may speak to her comfortably." Nari demanded. Jimin sighed before exiting the room, clearly annoyed with the situation but he knew better than to argue with Nari.

Nari turned to me with regret in her eyes "I am sorry this happened. If I was allowed to be at the dinner tonight I would have interrupted."

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