Chapter 26

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Taehyung's pov

The underground cage was large but I felt confined, as if the metal bars were closing in on me and restricting my movement. My hands were clenched around the bars as I began to bang against them furiously. I shouted out in anger, demanding to see who had taken me from my home and away from my family.

No one came and after hours of shouting, my voice was hoarse and my hands were bruised from hitting the cage bars. I fell to the ground, afraid of what lay beside me in the dark but I knew what it was that I was afraid of.

The buzzing sound of electricity pulsing through the metal of the bars was heard and I cowered in the center of the cell, seeking comfort in the cold floor. I stared at the ceiling, fighting to hold in my tears. I was afraid and sickened by the bloody bodies that surrounded me.

As if I was awake I could feel my body shake at the memories but I could not wake up. It was as if the demon longed to torture me.

The scene shifted to another but little had changed. The cage was positioned where it had always been but this time it was empty because I was strapped to a table at the far end of the room.

A human stepped forward, his appearance was haggard and he did not appear to be as influential as my father claimed. His dark hair was ruffled and unkept much like his wrinkled dress shirt. His eyes were hidden by tinted glasses and his face was scarred as if his face had been slashed open. Yet he stood with pride, upright and unashamed of his appearance.

He connected wire to my body and tied it around the bars of the cage. "If you move I will electrocute you." he stated before he lifted up a small medical pipe and attached it to my arm with a needle. I lay as still as I could, gripping the sides of the table as support. I watched as the blue liquid ran through my veins, stinging as the chemicals mixed with my blood, altering them slowly.

The man placed a blindfold over my eyes and then he banged his fist against the blue button. I shook violently as I was electrocuted, crying out silently at the high pitched ringing sound that seemed to hover in my ear. I thrashed about violently, clawing at the wire in an attempt to free myself but my effort was useless.

That had been the very first experiment and they had only grown worse over time but over time I had grown used to the frequent torture. In fact they did little to bother me but the first experiment had always haunted me because it was the beginning of everything.

I fought to open my eyes, not wishing to relive the next scene but I had no choice.

The demon whispered from somewhere in my mind "You will now see what I saw and you will feel what I felt."

"Why are you doing this?" I choked out.

"Because you must be prepared for what is to come." V's voice darkened as he warned me "I am warning you it will happen again."

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