Chapter 35

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The bottle of blood and the stolen soul lay before us in the centre of the table. I was overcome with nervousness as I clung to Taehyung's blanket for warmth. It was early and the sun was yet to rise but it was best to summon the demon when it was dark.

"Are you ready?" Hakyeon asked as he held my hand. I knew he was more nervous than I was and he was still devastated by my brother's disappearance which made him an easy target for a demon who lives off of misery.

I nodded reluctantly as I patted his head "No but I don't think I will ever be ready so we have to do this now."

Hakyeon smiled at me encouragingly and moved to sit beside me on the wooden floors. Nari stood before us holding out a knife for me to take. The air was chilly and the room was filled with the feeling of melancholy as the three of us held on to each other; admiring the moon as it shone through the windows.

Hakyeon held the book close to him as his eyes reflected just how petrified he really was. He turned to look at me, drowning out Nari's voice as he did so. "I promise that whatever happens I will make sure that he does not die." He promised as he hugged me, still clutching the book tightly.

His promise meant a lot to me because Hakyeon knew as well as I did that many people had died while trying to summon a demon.

I grabbed the knife from Nari's hand and I brought it up to my wrist, cutting my skin slowly. I looked away as my blood coated the blade. I handed the blade back to Nari, watching as she wiped my blood into the bottle of blood and mixed it together.

Nari placed the contents of the jar and the bottle into a bowl, a bowl which I would have to wash my hands in. My stomach was churning at the vile thought of touching the diabolical concoction but it had to be done.

I crouched on the floor, gripping the edge of the table as if I was trying to delay the summoning. Hakyeon grabbed my hand wearily as he smiled at me. He placed my hands in the bowl, giving me courage to carry on.

I hissed and winced at the burning feeling that enveloped me as Nari poured the flaming acid over my hands; covering them in a mixture of flame and death :the very essence of Hell as it stood for what we feared. I watched as it mixed with the bloody concoction, staining my hands as if I had killed someone. I took deep breaths as I tried to contain the shaking of my body and the horrifying feeling of torment that I felt in my fragile heart.

Tears which were both my own and the stolen soul's cascaded down my face in torrents, or so it felt like, as my vision was clouded. My throat ached as I held back an agonizing cry at the pain which gripped my heart. The crushing feeling seemed to stop my blood from flowing freely as Hakyeon chanted out what was written in the leather bound book. My vision vanished as the soul worked its way through me, giving me what was left of its tormented being so that I would have enough energy for the demon to possess me.

A distorted figure appeared before me, beautiful but scarcely living as her dark lifeless eyes peered into my soul. Her eyes were white unlike her coal coloured hair which fell to the ground. I shivered at the cold dense feeling that appeared with the demon as light seemed to surround her.

The demon grabbed my hands, wiping the blood off of them as time was frozen. She placed her hand against mine and smiled mischievously as she spoke with a soft velvety voice "I have heard of you." she raised the bowl and brought it to her lips, drinking the mixture of acid, blood and a stolen soul before wiping her blood red lips with her arm "Why have you summoned me?" she asked as she circled around me, seemingly floating as she did so.

"I need your help." I croaked out, holding my saw throat as I kneeled before the demon. Her domineering stare seemed to pierce through my heart as the pain continued to flow through my body, in waves of currents as if I was being electrocuted. Finally the pain reached my head and I clutched onto it, crying out for the pain to stop.

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