Chapter 22

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Eli's pov

Taehyung dragged me behind him, through the dancing bodies, careful not to lose me just yet. Loud music filled the room, bouncing off of all the walls of the building. Red lights lit the room providing the club with a mysterious atmosphere that put me on edge.

Taehyung turned to face me and smirked as he tightened the collar around my neck. I flicked his neck and stared at the ground hoping that no one else had seen my act of defiance. Taehyung laughed silently and brought me the corner of the room. I glanced at my outfit feeling slightly self conscious at the idea of wearing a short lace dress. I shivered at the feeling of the cold air as it hit my bare legs. I wore Taehyung's leather jacket to mask my scent and of course the leather collar with a ruby situated in the centre, which he had insisted that I wore.

He sat down on the leather couch in the area which he had reserved and pulled me down to sit beside him. Now that we were alone his cold persona vanished and he smiled at me before pouring me a glass of water and placing it on the glass table that lay before us. He picked up his drink and brought it to his lips, smirking as I glared at him.

"What. No alcohol for me." I pouted annoyed by the glass of water that stood before me as Taehyung taunted me.

"No I don't trust you with alcohol." He chuckled "Besides I doubt you would fancy drinking what I am."

"Do they not have an alcohol without human souls?" I rolled my eyes.

"They do but you are underage."

"Barely" I muttered in annoyance.

"What would your mother say if she knew I let you get drunk?" he continued to taunt me.

"Really? I doubt my mother would care. She would be more frightened by the fact that I am sitting next to a monster that she wouldn't even notice what I am drinking." I spat out.

"Ouch. I thought you said I wasn't a monster." he said as he placed his hand over his heart dramatically.

I sighed and turned around to ignore him as he walked out of the closed of area. Taehyung returned and sat beside me once more, he pinched my cheek and when I turned to face him, he handed me a glass of red wine and explained "Sorry they don't have much in the line of alcohol that is soul free."

"Thank you." I laughed as I took a sip of the sweet wine.

Taehyung wore his blue contacts and it felt odd to see him with blue eyes after I had just got used to his natural eyes. He wore leather pants and a black dress shirt which he had left unbuttoned at the top, showing off his collar bones. I felt guilty knowing he was probably cold since he had insisted on me wearing his jacket. I looked away before he could notice me staring at him.

He whispered, as if he was worried that someone would over hear him "Remember what we talked about this morning."

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