Chapter 33

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Taehyung's pov

The morning sun shone through the small window alerting me that it was my third morning trapped in the cell. I shifted on the cold floor; my back ached as I did so and I regretted being too stubborn to sleep on the thin flimsy mattress which lay available.

I glanced to my right, surprised that I was not the only one who had not slept that night. Eli's brother sat awake, with a thin blanket wrapped around him as he scribbled furiously into a notebook which he had somehow got away with keeping.

The atmosphere had been tense and awkward as if both of us were weary around each other. It had been like that since our first proper meeting and I had little hope that it would change.

I clung onto her brother, embarrassed and saddened as it registered within me that I had planned to kill someone who Eli cared immensely about.

The human pushed me away, glaring as he did so. He appeared to be confused by my sudden change in behavior and so was I. I remember nothing of what happened before but by his bloody shoulder and angered expression I knew that I had almost killed him.

He moved to the other side of the cell, banging on the doors once more as if he was desperate to leave the walls which confined him.

"She's alive." I spoke softly, loud enough that he could hear but in many ways it was to comfort myself. I sat on the cold floor as I gave the human his space.

The human turned harshly to glance at me "Where is she?" He questioned as he stomped over to me, the look of madness on his face. I knew he by the look in his eye that he no longer thought of himself as human, not after he had killed so many of my kind. In that way we were similar. I killed his kind and he killed mine without stopping to think of the consequences of the deaths we caused.

"I don't know." I muttered quietly, wishing I could give him better news. "Eli is alive though." I said confidently, forcing me to believe that what I had said was true.

"And why would I trust you. You almost killed me and I feel that I know very well you are." He glared as he stood towering before me "If you know my sister then I assume you were the beast who took her." He growled, instantly reaching for his back but stopping once he realized he had no weapons on him.

I glanced at the concrete floor, sighing as I did so and as guilt built up inside me. "I did take her and for that I am sorry but I assure you she is safe." At least I hoped she was. I had asked Jin to find her and take her into his estate. I may have not liked him but he would look after Eli and I trusted him to do so.

The human grabbed my shoulder, resembling his sister as he did so "if any harm has come to her I will kill you."

"You are welcome to line up" I scoffed knowing that the very date of my execution was being debated "You aren't exactly the first person to want me dead."

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