Chapter 10

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Taehyung's pov

The sun blinded me as I opened my eyes; the lingering taste of alcohol infused with rotten souls reminded me of why my head felt as if it were about to explode. I sat up slowly puzzled at how I ended up in a house that I had never seen before. My memory was hazy and I did not doubt that it was from the excessive consumption of alcohol.

The burgundy curtains lay wide open; exposing the early vicious afternoon sun. I knew all too well that someone had opened them to torture me so early in the morning. The wooden floors felt cool against my bare back, making me wonder where my shirt was as I glanced at the tattoo on my shoulder. I grimaced at the idea of anyone knowing of its existence and hoped that no one else had seen the small intricate dagger. The dagger was a well known sign among us monsters and it was definitely not a sign to brag about.

I thought, trying to piece together what had happened the evening before. I had left the mansion, starving and slightly angry at Eli for tempting me so much. I had arrived home that afternoon, hoping to speak to Eli but I was shocked at her disappearance. I knew she would not have been able to escape by herself and that meant that whoever had taken her would be punished for disobeying my law.

I sat for what felt like hours, waiting not so patiently as my blood boiled at the idea of being defied. The sound of the back door opening echoed throughout the mansion as it had not been used in years, not even by the servants. Someone who I despised more than anyone entered my house, his arms linked around Eli's as if he was showing off a pet. He noticed my appearance and smirked, knowing that his very presence frustrated me. He let go of Eli and she turned to face me. Her bright joyful smile fell as she laid her eyes on me. Thoughtlessly she moved her left hand to touch her back as if my punishment was running through her mind at the very sight of me.

I licked my lips in anticipation, knowing that she had expected me to punish her for sneaking out.

She stood up straight and glared at me, an air of pride surrounding her "What will my punishment be this time? More blades on my back or do you like to make sure it's different every time."

I laughed at her ignorance and her facade. "Nothing, I don't plan on punishing you at all. If I had my way I would punish the person who took you outside. Unfortunately I cannot because his rank is equal to mine. But I have no doubt that he had help from his servant."

Jin grew angry as he snapped at me "Yoongi had little to do with this, he had no choice but to follow my orders."

"Yes but as a servant he must give himself up and bravely take your punishment. You know the ancient rules that are a part of our hierarchy." I spoke, knowing that Jin would be filled with guilt at having to witness Yoongi's punishment.

Yoongi was someone who had always shamelessly followed me and if he had his way he would have gladly given up his life to serving me. Sadly his parents had other ideas and gave him to Jin on his thirteenth birthday as was a custom for all brown eyed and red eyed monsters so that they could be trained and could serve those higher up in the hierarchy. Jimin had been an exception as he was not registered with the council as a living being; he had spent most of his life locked up at home until father had claimed him as our servant.

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