Chapter 19

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Taehyung's pov

I lay uncomfortably on the leather couch and by the time morning had come I had slept very little, but it made little difference to me since I hardly every slept without being plagued with dreams that seemed so real, and they were because they were memories.

I sat up and looked at the large grandfather clock that sat in my lounge. It was eight in the morning yet outside was dark and miserable and the sound of raindrops could be heard as if they were a lullaby luring me back to sleep. I shook my head deciding that it was the best time to get up.

I had expected to have to wake Eli up but that was not the case. I entered the room to find Eli sitting on the fur carpet with one of the books from my library perched in her lap. She seemed so engrossed in what she was reading that she did not hear me enter. Her hair acted as a curtain, covering her face and stopping her from noticing me but she looked peaceful which was something she had not looked since I had taken her.

I walked towards her, and sat beside her. I tapped her on her shoulder and she lifted her head up and smiled at me before she turned back to the book. I grabbed the leather bound book out of her hands, annoyed that she was ignoring me. Eli glared at me and I jumped up running through to the lounge, laughing at her annoyance and taunting her "Romeo and Juliet, really? I didn't take you for the quick romance type."

She chased after me shouting out "It was on the side of your bed besides everybody enjoys a good tragedy" she nodded before jumping into my arms, wrapping her arms and legs around me, knocking me to the ground. She sat on me and folded her arms around her "besides it is much better watching it as a play. When I was younger I was Juliet in a performance and Hakyeon was Romeo. Leo wouldn't stop teasing us." She sighed "I am reading it because it reminds me of home."

"Is that so?" I questioned her. Eli grabbed the book from my hands and clung onto it before she stuck her tongue out at me and climbed off of me.

I laughed at her childish behavior and she stopped to look at me. The colour had reappeared in her face and her dark hair was a mess from when she had been sleeping and stuck up in all directions, annoying her as she kept pushing her hair out of her eyes. She wore one of my shirts which hung off of her shoulders, drowning her in expensive fabric.

"How long have you been up for." I asked her.

"Since the clock struck five." She said as she held up five fingers.

"So early?" I looked at her bewildered at her lack of sleep.

"I have never been able to sleep in, it is like my mind decided that the best time for thinking is early in the morning when everyone is fast asleep." She spoke happily "Come on I'm hungry and I believe Jimin prepared breakfast, he knocked on your door earlier, and apparently he invited someone else."

"I can't eat Jimin's food it's disgusting." I groaned, hating the idea of having to eat human food.

"Well clearly it doesn't contain human souls but you will shut up and eat or I will bite you. Jimin worked all morning maybe you should at least show him you are thankful."

I groaned, annoyed at how bossy she was "I'm so scared" I rolled my eyes but I followed her towards the door and opened it before leading her down the stairs and into the kitchen. Jimin sat beside my mother, deep in conversation, filling me with jealousy, knowing that my mother and I would never be that close.

Breakfast went by awkwardly, my mother and Jimin spoke of their garden and Eli sat beside me feeling uncomfortable. I grabbed her hand, letting her know that I was just as uncomfortable as she was. My mother was staring at Eli, sending shivers down Eli's spine as her white eyes pierced into Eli's brown eyes. My mother had always had the ability to read people and it was that ability which had made her such an efficient apothecary.

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