Chapter 17

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Eli's pov

The mirror stood before me, as if it saw into my very soul and perhaps it was that which had made me uncomfortable or perhaps it was the sound of the howling wind rattling the window, hitting it with such force as if it was longing to enter the room.

I shivered and folded my arms around myself, hoping that it would provide me with some warmth and comfort. I was still in the dress which I had worn hours ago but after what I had discovered, I did not have the strength to move. I brought my hand up to my neck, still feeling the cold metal of the collar against my skin despite it being hours since I had worn it. The collar was humiliating to me and for that reason I had been thankful when Taehyung had taken it off despite him forcing me to wear it in the first place.

A loud sound echoed through the room and at first I had thought that it was the sound of thunder. I looked out the small window which had once been hidden from me, its burglar guards teasing me as it trapped me and sealed the only possible exit. The sound of the floorboards creaking brought my attention to the doorway. The door was burst open with such force and I leaped to my feet, placing my fists in front of my face.

Taehyung stood before me, his eyes were no longer a striking blue and they were so much more captivating as flames danced in his dark brown, almost orange eyes. My attention moved from his eyes to his body, he stood before me with the appearance of a monster, claws drawn and ready to slit my throat and his fangs tore through my neck. He was a beast there was no doubting that but I was not afraid, not after what I had seen earlier that evening. His beastly appearance was slightly captivating and I gazed at him as if I was under a spell, too entranced to look away from his fiery eyes.

I shook my head and he advanced forward, a wild animalistic look on his face. I knew then that he was not entirely Taehyung.

"Taehyung?" I called out, wishing that I had been over thinking the situation. I had heard all about the demon that possessed Taehyung and I was frightened, frightened that despite my humanity I found Taehyung so hot in that very moment.

"I am not Taehyung. I cannot give you my real name. It is forbidden but you may call me V." The demon said as he willed Taehyung's body to move a step forward. The demon glared at me, biting Taehyung's lips with his fangs, drawing blood in the process. Behind his eyes, Taehyung was fighting against the beast, flames ignited in his bloodshot eyes as he seemed to plead with the beast for control.

"You see I am here to do what Taehyung is failing to do. I am here to kill you. You will fear death once you are close to experiencing the great unknown. Perhaps we can all see how long it takes for Taehyung to snap." The beast, V spoke as he smirked at me.

"What are you?" I asked despite knowing the answer. I breathed in, hoping to conceal the fear which consumed me. I had seen what a demon could do not so long before and it had dawned on me that I would be the next mangled body, little more than a corpse, little more than bones and torn flesh.

"Why don't I show you?" the demon spoke confidently and sensually. He took one step forward gracefully before lunging at me, a mixture of anger and lust in his eyes. The anger came from Taehyung, angered at his lack of control and the lust came from the devilish demon as he pinned me down beneath him.

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