Chapter 31

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Eli's pov

My surroundings were a blur as Jimin carried me through the forest, moving quickly but calmly as I fought to keep my eyes open. I was placed on a couch in what must have been Jin's estate but my vision was unclear and I could make out little.

"You need to drink this if you want to live" a voice whispered as I slowly forced down the disgusting liquid, resting my head as I fell asleep, wishing that the medicine would take away my pain and the burning I felt in my shoulder. I felt empty as if a large part of me had been taken away, as if I was fighting to hold onto my memories which were taken away from me along with a part of my seemingly dead soul. I fell asleep as I held on to those memories which I had hidden so well.

My dreams were bittersweet as if they were taunting me, making me long for what I wanted most.

The pond glistened before us, as the sun's rays seemed to gently caress the water, giving the somewhat clear water a shine. The sound of the wind rustling the leaves made everything seem peaceful as I sat with my back against Taehyung as he brushed his fingers through my hair, placing flowers into my hair as he did so.

"It's peaceful" I yawned as I moved to glance at him, leaning my head against his chest.

"It is. Are you tired?" he whispered as he pulled me closer as if he was afraid something would happen.

"A little."

"You can sleep if you want. I am content with simply being by you." he spoke as he smiled at me, lying down on the cold ground as he pulled me down with him. I wrapped my arms around him as we lay in silence, admiring each other and the sound of the water as it rippled as we fell asleep. It seemed peaceful, but I never noticed the distress in his voice, as if he was saying an early goodbye.

My eyes opened what felt like days later, as I clasped onto the arm that seemed to be holding me, as a hand ran through my hair as if they too were mourning.

"I'm so thankful you're alive." A soft voice seemed to speak, as if they were holding back tears "I guess you're like me now, both missing a part of our souls."

A tear fell from his eyes, as if he had not noticed I was awake yet he spoke with a strained voice as if he had been mourning "Your brother would have been so proud of you."

"Hakyeon?" I spoke, recognizing his voice. I held onto him seeking comfort as he held me back.

"Where is Leo?" I questioned as if I had finally realized that something was wrong.

"I don't know Eli." He spoke as if something seemed to be haunting him and as if he was hesitant to tell me the truth. "I haven't spoken to him in weeks, he left not so long ago and I followed him but there was an ambush and I." he paused as seemed to contain himself. "I watched a monster take him away and I did nothing. I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to kill someone even if it was a monster."

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