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so, this book might be filled with craps and cringe-worthy plots of one-shots of bts otps, so if you're easily offended by how the plot goes or how i address them as husband or wife, girlfriend or boyfriend, then i highly recommend you to immediately click out of this book. 

there won't be any individual povs since i find it more convenient to write it that way and i hope you all will understand. (though, i am planning on doing it but not this time, i guess.)

i might be opening this as a request book soon so please stay tuned for it ;)

typos and grammatical errors are present here. english isn't my first language so bear with me. 

this is my first ever mpreg fanfiction since i was just so fvcking inspired with bts mpreg one-shots and i have been reading it for like a week now. call me weird but i just loved seeing my ships ending in these kind of stories. dream come true, perhaps?

that would be all! just enjoy the book and i would be glad to receive any feed backs from you guys! *throws finger hearts everywhere*


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