❝Love Quarrel's Surprise❞ → YoonSeok

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May 28, 2017: Sunday  6:13 PM: Min Residence

"My God, hyung! You're already married yet you still dare to cheat!? How could you!?" Hoseok shouted at the older, both hands were on his waist as he fumes in anger. Yoongi looked at him in disbelief, shaking his head along the rhythm.

"Hoseok, don't accuse me for the things that I haven't done!" Yoongi bit back as he crossed his arms and locking an eye contact with his wife.

"Don't lie to me, hyung! I know you're a player! A total dickhead!" Hoseok shouted once again, tears slowly building up in his eyes. Yoongi sighed heavily, still couldn't believe that he was accused for meeting up with his childhood friend, Haein.

"Hoseok, please, calm yourself down! The girl you saw earlier? She's my childhood friend! I haven't seen her for years so it's natural that we had a conver-" but Hoseok didn't buy his husband's explanation. Instead, he grabbed the older's clothes and threw it all in him.

"LEAVE, YOONGI, LEAVE!" Yoongi's eyes grew wide as soon as he was thrown with all his clothes. Yoongi wanted to explain more, letting his wife understand about the situation but he's too strong to handle.

Knowing that Hoseok is 9 months pregnant, his mood swings are already extreme, causing Yoongi to be unable to fight with his wife.


"I SAID, LEAVE! DON'T YOU EVER COME BACK!" and Yoongi sighed. A sigh of disappointment, disbelief, frustration, anger, and sadness before grabbing all his clothes and never turning back to his crying wife.

"Yoongi..." Hoseok mumbled underneath his breath as tears continuously streaming down his face.

Remembering he was pregnant, 9 months pregnant to be exact, he immediately looked down and rubbed his baby bump. Telling his child that everything will be alright and that daddy will come back - fifty-fifty chance.

"Baby, hold on, okay? Everything will be alright." Hoseok wiped his tears before walking towards his table and grabbing his phone.

Scrolling through his contacts, he immediately pressed someone and dialed a call.

"Oh? Hoseok? Why did you call? Did something happen?" Hoseok could only nod on the other line and his breathing became unstable. Tears still streamed down his face and he didn't bother to wipe them off.

"H-Hyung..." Hoseok started as he tries himself to breathe properly. "C-Can you g-go in h-here? I needed s-someone to talk w-with." Hoseok stuttered as he felt his chest tighten.

"Wait, where is Yoongi? Where is your husband?"

"Hyung, that's t-the case. I-I kicked Y-Yoongi h-hyung out t-the house..." and the call disconnected. Indicating that the person he called was already coming on his way.


"Jin hyung, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Jealousy overtook me and I just... lost it." Hoseok sighed, tears once again weld up in his eyes but he held it in. He doesn't want to be a crying mess once again.

"Hoseok, I get your point. It is natural to get jealous but you should control it. Besides, Yoongi already explained it to you and we all know he doesn't like to cheat." and Hoseok nodded. He sighed before placing a smile on his face.

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