❝Three Days❞ → NamKook

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November 17, 2017: Friday  5:36 PM: Kim Residence

"Oh, shut up! Just tell me the truth!" he screamed. Tears glistening upon his eyes and his face turned red, indicating the anger inside him that's about to burst out.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not cheating!? We had been married for almost 5 years yet you're still accussing me for cheating at you!? I love you, Jungkook and I'll always will!" the other bit, shouting furiously as he and his wife were still in the middle of arguing.

"You love me? YOU LOVE ME!? Oh, for goodness sake, hyung! How many times have I heard that useless explanations of yours!? HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU HAVE TO TRICK ME AND CHEAT ON ME!?" slowly, tears started trickling down his cheeks. Eyes getting foggy due to the fact that he was crying too much. The older could only sigh, tears started forming in his eyes as well.

"Then... fine. I'll leave. You're accussing me too much of the things I can't even do. Cheating is such a big word for me to get disappointed. I never knew you were like that, Jungkook. Just because I went home late last night doesn't mean I'm already meeting up with an another girl. I married you because I love you and if you still can't believe that I truly love you then, that leaves me with no choice but to go. It hurts that you're thinking of me badly," Namjoon uttered in disbelief, leaving Jungkook silent. Namjoon wiped his tears away before grabbing his coat and walking towards the door. But before he could even open it, Namjoon turned around at Jungkook one more time before running towards the younger and giving him a hug. Expecting that Jungkook would budge, Namjoon failed.

Jungkook was emotionless and tears stained his cheeks. He has no emotion and has plans on hugging his husband back. "Always remember that I love you and I'll come back if you gained enough trust on me already. I may not be the perfect husband you've always dreamt of since High School, but I promise to be the better version. I love you, Jungkook. Good bye." and Namjoon kissed his wife's forehead a goodbye before finally going out of the house, leaving Jungkook dumbfounded.

As soon as the door closes, Jungkook fell down to his knees as he cried helplessly and miserably. He didn't mean to accusse his husband because he literally has no proof that the older was cheating but the fact that he's going home late is making Jungkook jealous and that leads him to his conclusion that Namjoon is really cheating on him.

Now that he was pregnant and has plans on telling Namjoon, he's afraid that he have to deal this on his own. Although he has friends nearby, he can't just call them that instantly, telling them that he kicked his husband out over some false accussations because that would ruin his image as a loving and cheerful wife.

"Maybe I jumped into conclusion really quickly. I'm sorry Namjoon, I'm sorry love. Please comeback. Me and your child needs you." Jungkook thought before standing up and walking upstairs, tears continuously stained his cheeks as he cried helplessly.


"So, your wife kicked you out?" Namjoon nodded before closing the door of his friend's car, ready to go for a joyride. "Well, that sucks. I was once kicked out by Jimin but we immediately reconciled and after that, he gave birth. " his friend told him and Namjoon could only flash a bitter smile.

"But Jungkook is not yet pregnant." Namjoon uttered and his friend looked at him questioningly.

"Didn't you do something with each other underneath the blanket?" Namjoon thought of it for a while before smiling at his friend with a glint of embarrassment.

"We did. But... Jungkook still hasn't reported something to me about it."

"Just a thought, what if he really is pregnant and has plans on telling you but you two had this huge argument which leads you both parting ways... temporarily?" Namjoon looked at his bestfriend momentarily. Silence filled the air and Namjoon broke the ice by sighing deeply.

"I hope you're right." but just then, they met the unexpected.

Car accident.

November 20, 2017: Monday - 9:06 AM: Kim Residence

"I don't think Namjoon will ever come back. It has been 3 days." Jungkook sighed. Reflecting back on that unfortunate night.

"Give it some time, will ya? I'm sure, he'll be back once both of you finally cooled down. It takes time, Jungkook. Maybe tomorrow, he'll surprise you with a kiss when you wake up." Jungkook could only sigh once again, thinking about the latter that won't be molded into reality. It broke Jungkook's heart but it was his fault anyways.

"Don't make me fall into a trap, Taehyung. If he comes back and does the sweetest thing ever like what you have mentioned, then, that would be great. But letting it happen tomorrow? That's too impossible." Jungkook stated and his friend chuckled on the other side of the line.

"Then, you have to be patient but it is also possible that he'll come back tomorrow. I'm sure he misses you and I'm pretty sure that he became lonely without you." and Jungkook nodded. Thinking positive about his friend's, Taehyung, opinion.

"Anyways, thank you for your time, Tae. I'll call you later after I prepared my breakfast. I'm getting hungry."

"Okay then! I would be glad to take your call since I'm left alone by my son and my husband." Jungkook could imagine how Taehyung rolled his eyes and grunting slightly about his sentence - chuckling afterwards.

And both calls ended. Jungkook went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Later did he know, Namjoon was in the hospital, critical. Yet, no one had informed Jungkook about it.


ya'll. YA'LL. just a short update before i'll finally close the requests... TEMPORARILY. it's just that... i was too pressured in finishing all your request and i don't want myself to get stressed about it and as well as you guys who'll be waiting. i'm very sorry to break it out to you all.

but anyways, i hope you enjoy! i left a boring cliffhanger just to see how you all would react.

thanks to flower_boy_kookie for requesting! i'm sorry if it took me so long to publish your request but yay! it's finally here!

hope you all enjoy! *throws finger heart everywhere*


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