❝Mood Swings❞ → VKook

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January 25, 2017: Wednesday — 8:55 AM: Kim Residence

"I told you, I don't like these type of clothes!" Jungkook growled, throwing every clothes he could see which Taehyung bought just an hour ago. 

"J-Jagiya..." Taehyung walked slowly and closer to Jungkook, shielding himself with his shaking hands in case if Jungkook would throw anything at him this time. Jungkook looked at his frightened husband, his face twitched in a confused look as he stopped momentarily, feeling their 6 months old baby kicking.

"I-I can b-buy you another s-set of clothes a-and return those b-back at t-the shop." Taehyung's voice quivered as he took a few more slow steps towards Jungkook, careful not to anger his pregnant partner or else, he would meet hell.

When Jungkook realized what he has done, he immediately covered his mouth and showed Taehyung a peace sign and giggling like a maniac. Yes, Jungkook knew he has mood swings ever since he became pregnant but Taehyung, being the busy husband he was, working 24 hours straight, was clueless.

"I'm sorry, TaeTae! You don't have to return all of these. I just loved them the way they are. It's just that, I'm having these weird mood swings ever since I became pregnant with Hyunjung." Jungkook beamed a smile at his dumbfounded husband before waddling to him and hugging him tight with Jungkook leaving a little gap for his baby bump not to be squeezed in.

"Mood swings?" Taehyung asked while stroking the younger one's walnut colored hair.

"Yeah." Jungkook hummed in response, feeling the urge not to let go of the hug. 

Jungkook snuggled more into the older one's over sized sweater, inhaling more of the cologne his husband used. Later did Taehyung knew, Jungkook is starting another episode of his quite terrifying mood swings.

"Hyung?" Jungkook cooed, tilting his head to see an overview of his confused husband, smiling at him lovingly. 

"Hm? What is it, jagiya?" Taehyung hummed in response, only receiving a giggle from his husband who's still snuggling into his over sized sweater he bought a few weeks ago while inhaling the cologne he used.

"What cologne did you use? You didn't tell me you bought one." Jungkook pouted. 

"We bought it together, remember? You're the one who even suggested me to buy it." Taehyung defended cutely. Careful not to anger or make his husband cry because of the mood swings he's having.

"No! You bought it alone! Just because I'm pregnant, you don't like to take me out anymore!" Jungkook pushed Taehyung away and eventually let go of the hug. Tears streamed down his face and Taehyung could only sigh.

"Jagi—" but before Taehyung could even pull his husband into a hug to calm his nerves down, "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Jungkook shouted as if he's ready to battle his husband. Taehyung could only gulp the lump in his throat, seeing his husband going under such evil mood swings.

"If you say so—" when Taehyung was about to turn around and walk away from his husband who's being too dramatic, he could feel arms hugging him from the back. 

"I'm sorry, TaeTae! I'm experiencing another episode of my mood swings."  Taehyung could feel his husband pout so he immediately turned around, wiping the tears on his husband's cheeks before kissing him passionately on the lips and hugging him once more.

March 25, 2017: Saturday — 10:36 AM: Kim Residence

"You ordered all of these for me?" Jungkook smiled as he started to munch on some burgers Taehyung ordered a few minutes ago. Taehyung nodded and started munching on some burgers too.

When Taehyung was about to get another one, he was surprised to feel a stinging sensation on his hand, only realizing Jungkook had slapped it, preventing him to get another one. He looked at his husband who's busy munching on some burgers and acted as if nothing happened.

Taehyung sighed and attempted to try and get one again but he again received another set of slap from his husband who looked at him angrily. Nose bolting out invisible smokes and eyes were doubled twice its size. Taehyung wanted to laugh but he knows that would only make Jungkook's mood swings worse.

"Don't you dare lay hands on my burgers. They're mine! Go order something for yourself if you don't want to starve!" Jungkook hissed before dragging the whole bag of burgers to himself. Taehyung sighed and took out his phone, scrolling through the contacts.

When he found the number he's been looking for, he immediately pressed it, desperate to seek help. Greeted by a husky voice, Taehyung exactly knew that he disturbed his friend from his sleep.

"What is it you want?" the other line asked. Taehyung smiled.

"I know this is quite awkward but how did you handle Jimin's mood swings when he's on his pregnancy stage?" Taehyung asks, fiddling the fingers on his free hands and glancing at his husband who's busy munching on some burgers from time to time.

"Wait, is Jungkook having mood swings?" he asked. Taehyung hummed in response.

"Hyung, please help me. I know Jimin's mood swings are just intermediate and doesn't occur every time but Jungkook is worse! Just a little tip and you can help me out." Taehyung pleaded, only receiving a sigh from the other line.

"Taehyung, just endure everything, okay? He's already 8 months pregnant and he's about to give birth next month. That's the only tip I could give you because I also did that. Endurance is the key." Taehyung could feel disappointment running over him but at the same time, he's right. Endurance is indeed the key.

"Thanks, Yoongi hyung. Sorry for disturbing your sleep. And oh, say my regards to Jimin and Jiyoon!" and the call disconnected. Taehyung pocketed his phone before looking back at his husband who's now asleep. 

Taehyung smiled at the sight before dusting out any bits of food from the burger he ate and carrying him up in a bridal style. Taehyung struggled with Jungkook's weight but he eventually made it. 

Once he reached their room, he gently placed Jungkook on the king sized bed they're having, positioning him on a comfortable position before laying down next to him. He gently placed his hands underneath Jungkook's 8 months belly and closing his eyes gently, hoping to get a rest, thinking his husband's mood swings is already over since he's asleep.

Later did Taehyung knew, Jungkook's mood swings doesn't end there. Sooner or later, Jungkook would shout, cry, and cling unto his stressed out husband who's waiting for him to go into labor as soon as possible.


pfft. jungkook's mood swings are unthinkable.

but yeah, i still do hope you enjoyed this short chapter and update before i go to sleep. i don't even know why i continued to write this but mpreg really is one of my favorite books to read as of the moment.

sorry for the crappy updates (again) because my brain just doesn't go with the plot i'm thinking like asdfghjkl but yeah, i'll try to improve the plot and promise to give you more fluffy (although this chapter wasn't fluff-obvious) updates on the otps. yay!

that would be all! my bed is calling me right now and i can't wait to dive in. 

vote and comment for more! (unless you don't want more of this crappy chapters going on)


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