❝A New Beginning: Sequel to Friday Night❞ → VMon

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Sequel to ❝Friday Night❞
A request by _aestaeticjoonie_

Hope you enjoy!


June 16, 2017: Friday — 10:17 AM: Kim Namjoon's Residence

A week later after Namjoon and Taehyung did things inside the cubicle back in the club where they had their fun Friday night out, Namjoon didn't feel really well. He tried sleeping for hours and hours in hopes of relieving what he's feeling, it just wasn't working. He called Taehyung to come over and thankfully, the younger agreed.

While Namjoon was fetching himself water, his vision turned blurry and that he's feeling a bit dizzy but he shook it off, thinking he just needed more sleep but then, his stomach slowly churned and he could feel himself throwing up.

Dropping the glass of cold water that he fetched and totally not caring about the shards of glass that can potentially cut anyone who isn't able to notice scattering all over the floor, he hurried towards the sink in the kitchen and hunching himself over, puking everything he ate last night and earlier. He didn't understand what was going on... for now.

A few minutes later, Namjoon was totally drained out. His eyes were heavy and his frame was fragile. He attempted on walking back towards the living room whilst supporting his throbbing head as he winced in pain. But seeing his surroundings spinning around, he knew he needed to puke again and so he did. Rushing over the sink in the kitchen, he puked more and more, allowing the foul smell to circulate around the area.

With the phone on his pocket while he's washing his mouth, his phone vibrated, reasoning for him to tug the corners of his mouth into a bit of a smile. He took it out with his hands a bit shaking before swiping the green button, answering the call.

"Tae?" Namjoon started, voice weak and fragile, almost inaudible for Taehyung to hear over the phone.

"Hyung? Is there something wrong? You seem out of your sha—"

But before Namjoon could even hear the full sentence of the younger, totally concerned over his situation, darkness engulfed him and from then on, he doesn't remember anything. Even not capable of knowing that he was already carried to his room shortly after he passed out, totally a great timing for Taehyung's arrival who was frantic over what he saw when he arrived.


"I hope he's alright." Jimin, who happened to pay Namjoon a visit and saw the unfateful sight wherein Taehyung in the scene of carrying Namjoon with streaks of tears on his face, feels greatly worried about what happened to his very best friend, Namjoon.

"Yeah, I do hope he will be." Taehyung replies with a deep sigh before running his fingers through his hair and allowing tears to build upon his eyes. He was confused. Everything seems to be unclear and it bothers him the most.

Looking at Namjoon, his frame pale and fragile and seeming to have no strength at all, is too painful for him. Namjoon was his first love and he vowed to himself that he wouldn't hurt him and will love him through the rest of his life, thus making the older his first and last. Despite the incredibly huge age gap between them, both didn't mind about it. Although other people can't really relate with the two being in a relationship, a romantic relationship actually, their friends were in a great support despite all the circumstances that they pass through. 

"I called the rest over, they said they're coming." Jimin stated and Taehyung nodded. It's such a good idea that the rest are coming over so that Taehyung can discuss to them and ask them questions with what's happening to Namjoon since he's totally clueless about it.

"I'm sure they can help sought the problem out." Jimin smiled before patting the shoulders of the worried boyfriend, Taehyung, helping in easing him a little bit.


"Glad you both called us up, or else we wouldn't be able to know what was happening to Namjoon." and all nodded their heads, except Namjoon who's still passed out in the bed with no signs of moving at all. He's just there, plainly laying down, angelic eyes tightly shut, black lashes curtaining.

"I called my dad, he says he's coming to check over Namjoon." and everything came into silence when the doctor arrived, a few minutes later.

They all looked carefully and paid attention to what the doctor would say later. All were nervous and their palms were sweating. Their mouths were shut, throats dry and only their eyes were wavering at each other, as if sending mental messages.

"I think you'll all be happy when I say, your friend is pregnant." the atmosphere was filled with an awkward silence. Everyone seems unable to process what the doctor had said.

"But... Tito (uncle)... h-how is that even possible? I mean, men, like us, aren't capable of producing a child..." Taehyung broke the silence with different questions blurting out from his mouth. He's too clueless to even stop himself from asking furthermore questions and expects that the answer would be detailed.

The doctor could only chuckle, removing the stethoscope off his ears and slinging it into his shoulder before beaming a smile.

"It's actually very rare that a man could get pregnant," the doctor answered. Pausing a bit before continuing. "And I think that's beautiful. Excuse me." and Taehyung slowly walked towards Namjoon before thanking the doctor whose preparing himself to go home.

"Thank you, Mr. Kim." and the doctor nodded before finally making his way out from the room.



"Daddy! Appa! Wake up!" a 6 year old boy grinned as he jumped up and down on the bed where the two males were found sleeping comfortably, snoring softly with their faces covered with their messy hair and not having worn any t-shirt — waking them up in an instant shortly after.

"What is it, dear?" Namjoon asked, voice husky and drained. He literally just got woken up by his son's energy and his eyes weren't that fully awake and isn't that aware with what's happening.

"It's already Saturday! Remember about our plans during these type of days?" the boy beamed sheepishly, mouth forming a rectangular smile, just like his appa.

"Yeah, yeah. We remembered. Now go and change." and the boy leaned down over his parents, giving them a peck on the cheeks before giggling and skipping away towards his room.

Both the male couples smiled, shaking their heads a little before the both of them finally stood up and headed to the step of preparing themselves up.


finally!!! i finished updating! i'm very sorry for the slow updates since school is putting on too much burden on me and i still had a pile of homeworks and projects to do so i hope you understand.

anyhow, thank you for the continuous support to daddies! i really appreciate it! ^^

and _aestaeticjoonie_ thank you so much for requesting such an interesting, unique, and rare plot and shipping! i enjoyed writing this and i brainstormed a lot along with some of my friends! and i hope you enjoy this sequel to the one i did in the special chapter!

that would be all! i'll be doing some of the requests pending if i had enough time! *throws finger hearts everywhere*


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