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Finally we've all graduated and summer has officially started, it's funny to think that I met Justin almost a year ago, our first year anniversary is coming up in two weeks my 18th birthday is a week today not doing much for it don't want a big party or anything, it's not really my thing. My life has changed a lot in the past year this time last year I was going through hell, and then I met Justin and he changed everything around for me because come to think of it if I didn't meet him then I wouldn't be here today I would be buried under the ground just gone and dead but I'm happy that didn't happen, i am really happy with my life and where it's heading right now I really don't have anything to complain about when I have the best people in my life who keep me happy and humble. The girls and I thought about getting a place together since we're all eighteen now well except me but only a week till i'm officially an adult, we managed to find summer jobs, it wasn't easy but we spent the next two weeks after graduation looking for one and then we all did and we all managed to get the same one we felt as if we should all be working together even though it might distract us, it's not the most glamourous job in the whole wide world, it's only to earn extra money to save up for a flat, we're washing dogs yes that's right a mean who wants to come home smelling like wet dog no one but I find it quite entertaining, Justin teases me about it, and blabs at how great his summer job at burger king is he's an idiot but I freaking love him to death.

We work three days a week Monday, Wednesday and Friday, getting the Tuesday and the Thursday and the weekend off.

"Brittany are you coming we're gonna be late for work".

"Just coming Nic". Drinking the last remains of my water out of the glass I dumped it into the sink and then made my way out of the kitchen almost walking into the door. I hate these working clothes especially when the shirt tells you the place you work at in medium sized letters yeah just let everyone know that you wash mutts to earn extra money to buy a flat to live with your best friends. And because of work I haven't been able to see Justin a lot because he works on my days off including the weekends, he works right through to the weekend and never gets any days off, and that stinks because I haven't seen him properly in a week, in fact I haven't seen him at all, we can only phone and text one another at the moment I want to spend time with him I miss being around him:( maybe I can persuade the girls and i to go to burger king on our lunch break just so I can go and see him.

Once we all got to work, we all had a little five minutes before people started bringing in there dirty dogs to be cleaned, what pisses me off is when their owners don't even give you a tip why can't they just wash their dog themselves but the general public is to lazy these days to do shit like that so they rely on other people to do it for them, at least I know we are all making money out of this. I feel sorry for Justin though how he has to work from Monday to Sunday, never gets any days off and he has to work till seven every night, and by the time he gets home it's to late to do anything for himself he always phones me when he gets home though which makes me happy just to hear his voice, and I feel bad when we have days off and can have some fun a mean it's meant to be summer vacation your meant to have fun, I think he needs to demand to have days off, the worst thing is he doesn't have Ryan or Chaz working with him, like with me I have my friends with me on this, but he doesn't, Ryan and Chaz got different summer jobs, my poor baby is stressed out and i need to save him if the girls don't want to go to burger king at lunch break then i'll go my god dam self even if it takes ages to walk there I'll get a god dam cab.


Finally it's lunch, that was a hard three hours, some of the dogs that came in didn't want to get washed they ended up running around the place and me had to end up chasing after them all well that's my daily exercise done for one day.

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