chapter 12

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I better be dying right now because i cant take this throbbing pain in my head.

The moment i opened my eyes, hang over hit me like an avalanche.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!"  I groaned.

It freaking hurts. No one warned me it was gonna be this crazy!

I tried to walk to my kitchen to get some medecine.


My kitchen.

My kitchen??

How the fudge
Did i get here?

And just like that , my headache was gone.

And then a chirpy sound  startled me.

"Ah! Paris . Wonderful! Youre finally awake!" My mom, said as soon as she came in the kitchen. She's preparing breakfast at the moment.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

Did she forget everything that happened? Is she just gonna play this -let's get over it and move on- game?

"What the hell mom?" I snapped.

She stared at me. Almost as if she looked hurt with my language. I never snap at my mom. No matter how annoying she gets sometimes. I love her.

"Lady that is not how i raised you!what is wrong with you!" She said. Eyes filled with shock.

"Mom you cant just pretend like you werent cheating on dad last night! I saw you!" I snapped.

Her eyes went wide. Like really wide. Like she was shocked i told her that.

Her voice became mellow. She placed her hand on top of mine.

"Honey, i know youre hurt right now. I know what youre feeling. But you should know that  Gigi is in  a better place now.. you should accept that she's gone and -" she trailed.

"She's what?" What the hell?

"-move on baby." her head hang low.

What is she talking about????

"What are you talking about? What about Gigi  what happened?" I asked.

I have no idea what she is talking about.

She sighed.

"I dont know if youre just pretending that you dont know, or youre playing with me paris. But you should know that im not in the mood " she said.

Not in the mood?
I just found out that my bestfriend is a bad angel and that vampires exist for pete's sake!  I just woke up from a terrible dream  that apparently  feels REAL!

"I dont know what happened so if you could just tell me mom. . "I sighed in defeat.

"Shes dead." She said bluntly.

My bestfriend is dead.

"WHAT?!" I yelled..

She jumped in surprise.

"Honey i know its hard for-" she tried to console me by placing a hand over my shoulder . But i slapped it away.

"No. Please. Just. Just. "I stuttered.

I immediatly ran upstairs to my room.

I paced around my room with a headache  for  what seemed like a couple of minutes .

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