Chapter 32

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I hear her screaming inside the room.
It made me laugh out loud because no matter how much she tries to take that bracelet off of Paris, she wont be able to do that.

"Keep on screaming princess. Itll distract xirca while I do the next part of my plan"

I quickly showed myself infront of the  receptionist that's obviously a demon. It sucks that  Frasier and his bimbos created a plan that has so many loop holes.

The demon that was pretending to be a receptionist had saucer like eyes and was staring at me with horror written on her face.

Ofcourse. Everyone knows me.

"D--si-sir ..I -" I silenced her with a look and she kept her mouth shut.

For 3 seconds.

"XIRC--" Before she could even scream the witch's name, I sliced her with my scythe and she burst into ashes.

Then I eyed the door where Xirca is and let out a low chuckle.

Its showtime.

I immediatly used my magic to break every glassware that there is inside the room.
To you know, scare the shit out of them.

Then I let the door creak open, shut all the lights off and  Made sure to hide in the shadows.

Xirca cursed
I smirked.
This is lovely

"Stay away Death. I have the bracelet now. I can easily cut her arm off if i have to just to take this damn thing off of her" she snapped.

I let out a chuckle the resonated throughout the whole room .

"Oh you can now . Can you?" I said in a very deep voice. Taunting her..

I can see her posture is rigid and is definitely scared.

Before she could even make a move,i swiftly grabbed her throat and pushed her to the wall.

She let out a battle cry.

I hissed.
"Who are you working for xirca?" I tightened my grip on her neck.

She stared at me with bloodshot eyes and hatred.

"Like ill tell you." She snapped.

I laughed.
"Oh you will. Your last words should be the answer to my question before i banish you to hell.witch."  I hissed .

Just answer me because im itchin to freaking snap your neck and kill you.

She smiled.

"Kill me . Like I care. Ill only ressurect again." 

When  I find out how Frasier is doing that. Resurrecting dead witches i swear whoever is helping him will see my wrath!

Having enough of our pointless conversation, I pressed my scythe to her pretty face and little ashes of it came out from her skin.

I smiled evily

"Hmm let me add something on your face okay?" I started drawing a letter D on her face and she let out an ear screeching cry.

Music to my ears

I made sure to slowly torture her with it.

" AAAAAAAGHHHH!!!!!! YOU'LL.NE-NEVER-- KNO-W WHO IM--WORK-ING FOR!YOU !JER--K!!!!" She continued on screaming and it made me laugh.

"You should have just answered my question because i was just testing you witch." I snapped icily.

Her eyes went wide.

"Now tell your boss and Astana that they better watch their back because theres no way in Hell theyll get my freaking soul . Capisce?" I smirked.

She kept on screaming. An agonizing pain is obvious to her face.
When i was done drawing a small letter D on her left cheek  , I made sure to chant something under my  breath.

She couldnt understand it.
Its something only the walker between heaven and hell could do.

Something Could do.
A curse from a black magic only THE angel of death could do.

Lets just say that after she reports to her master  what happened here today, she'll immediatly burst into flames right infront of their eyes.

Kind of like a bomb.

Being the most powerful force here on earth has its perks you know.

"LET ME GO!" Xirca screamed and thrashed.

I only smirked .

"There. You look better." I said as I finished my art on her face. Right on her left cheek  inprints a big letter D.

Her eyes went wide and for a moment, i saw fear flash in her eyes.

Witches are strong . Specially her kind. They can mask up courage even though their freaking out. But right  now, her facade just broke and I couldnt be even more happier.

I threw her to the other side of the room and i heard her gasp in pain.

She quickly mumbled something in latin and a force of evil quickly came rushing to my face almost hitting it.

But too bad , black flames encircled around me serving as a strong force of shield therefore her attack went flying back to her.


I laughed a booming laughed and held  my scythe high , the tip of it explodes little green lightnings .

"Destroy" my voice held ice in it and the moment i said it, my scythe sent green flames right next to the wall where xirca is currently nursing her fractured arm.

I cant really kill her right now. Who would send my lovely message to Astana and Frasier?

I smiled .

"You can go now Xirca. But know that Me not killing you is not out of pitty. I need you to deliver a message. " she only grunted in pain.

I walked towards a sleeping Paris and picked her up. 

This girl weighs like air.

"Tell them that wherever they are hiding. . . Id find them and kill them."

She replied a hiss.

I laughed a booming laugh and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

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