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I woke up with a huge throbbing headache. the first thing that came into my mind was that I was on a soft bed.

A really really really soft bed.

My bed was not this soft. .
I immediatly shot right up and scanned my surroundings.

"This is definitely not my room"

Panick surged throughout my whole body so I stood up from the bed .

Which was a big mistake By the way. Because once I got up, my headache felt worse..

"Oh fck" I curse as I tripped over a pillow and landed with a thud on the floor .

A booming deep laugh suddenly resonated behind me and it made my head whip to its direction.

"That was cute. First laugh of the day klutz."

I glared.


"Me" death said in  a flat tone.

I clutched the blanket that i was holding tighter onto my chest.

"What? "No thank you my hero for saving me yesterday Speech?" He arched an eyebrow.

I squinted my eyes and stared at him.

His 6' something height is blocking the door by leaning on it.
He's wearing a simple white shirt that clings to his body so freaking well, his toned abs are kinda obvious, his tattoo is visible and its pretty enchanting.
His hair is sporting an I just woke up look and dare I say it, its pretty.
He has his arms crossed. And he is wearing tight leather pants with matching boots.

Needless to say he looked hot. Like bad boy hot . Not to mention the lip piercing . Jesus.

"Done checking me out?" He grinned showing white teeth with long fangs.

Am i fucking dreaming?

"Uhm no. Dont you remember anything?" His smile is filled with mischief.

then he told me what happened.

To say that I panicked would be an understatement.

I paced back and forth in the room while pulling my hair up.
Totally ignoring Death's voice

"Oh my Gosh it really happened--" my heart is thumping loud

"Drama queen"

"-I almost died and the witch! Oh my go--" back and forth, back and forth...

"Can you please stop"

"-sh the witch! She said she was gonna cut my arm off for this- this Bracelet!!--"

Why didnt I just give it to her.  She was gonna kill me!!!

"I know you cant see it but im rolling my eyes now"

"-my therapist is a witch. Oh my gosh she's a witch! Wait- what am i doing here? Have I been sleeping the whole day yesterday?--"  I said to myself.

What have i been doing?
Then it dawned on me.

"--Holy shit my mom!!! I forgot about my mom! --"

my eyes are wide like saucers now.  Panic is totally getting into me now. Inhale exhale Paris. Inhale Exhale!

"If you would just-"

"--my mom's soooo gonna freakin kill me. I didnt even give her a call.she doesnt know where I am.  I DONT KNOW WHERE I AM---"

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