Chapter 27📍

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Hello to my readers . (If i have one lol) so every chapter imma start giving a random song..
Dont worry it has no connection to the story or whatever .
For this chapter its Young God by Halsey . Enjoy this chapter :  )

Death furiously opened the door to Satan's office.

There on the long dark table at the very end of it sits S. Right beside him is Val ,talking animatedly at S.

Death calls him S because he's lazy to say the full name.

He cleared his throat . All eyes snap at his direction .

He took long big strides to the other end of the table  his side  and sat on the big black throne looking chair . It has spikes at the edge of it and a big letter D at the back.

"Get out" his voice icy contradicting the heat of the room.

When none of the slaves move, he screamed on top of his lungs . 

With that all of The slaves came stumbling out of the huge room.

Death now wears his cloak and had his hoodie cover his face. He impatiently tapped his fingers on the table as he waited for everyone to get out. Leaving only him, Val and S .

When everyone got out he let out a sigh.

That's when S spoke.

"Hey Xav , whats up."  He started . Causing Val to snicker to himself.

The two of them are always a pain in the ass for Death. Theyre like 12 year olds in a grown man's body.

He bumped his fist to the table. And screamed while he took of  his cloak . 

"Whats up?" He glared and pointed a finger to the  new addition to his face.

He leaned to the table and continued the glare.

He exhaled his fury and sat down.

S and Val looked shocked for a moment.

"Xavier ,i thought it was only on your arm?" Val asked . Concern lacing through his voice.

Death narrowed his eyes at him.
"That's what i thought as well." He rolled his eyes.

"It looks good on you" S said

This made Death Narrow his eyes at him.

"Looks good on me? Why? do you wanna try this new fashion too? Here have it. Because i sure as hell dont want this. This freaking burns!" He screamed again..

S put his hands up in surrender.
"look , Val told me about the whole human contact fiasco. and i think knowing that the burning sensation it gives you is enough to be punishment for almost making a human open the gates of hell. So i guess i wont give you a punishment. -" S smirked.

Death was about to talk back when S talked again.

"-BUT. Before you scream at me. Know that  i heard the conversation of your witch encounter awhile ago. So im now studying about those markings on you. Val told me his theory about it but we wont tell you yet. Because you tend to act on impulse--" Death glared at him for that.

"-For now, refrain from talking to the girl . You can do whatever you wish to. Just make sure there wont be any conversation between you and the girl. Capisce Xavier?"  S arched an eyebrow.

Death rolled his eyes. And mumbled a yes

"And Astana? Do you have any news?" He asked.

From The name Astana, Val's ears perked up. And then he turned red with rage.

"That witch! Such a traitor. " he spat icily .

S sighed. "I believe my hounds have sensed her somewhere around the city last night. And then she disappeared.  " S now has his eyebrows furrowed.

Death groaned. "my scythe cant track her. She's blocking it. Or someone is blocking it. Whatever it is. The  damn thing is powerful. Are you sure its not from above?" He asked. Implying about the good angels.

S answered.
"No. They wont join whatever disaster we are about to inflict on earth. What's above  earth is yours Death  . As long as you stick with the rules. "

Death groaned again.
"Ugh rules are for losers."

S and Val  scolded him.
"DEATH!" they both snap .

Death smirked.
"Geez. The bromance . Yeah yeah im going to stick with the rules. "

"You have to keep the balance in Death. You are named that for a reason. Now stop rolling your eyes like 12year old and start doing what you were born to do."  S snapped.

"Yes master." Death rolled his eyes.

He was about to go and disappear in a cloud of smoke when Val spoke.

"Refrain from talking with the girl Death. But always keep an eye at her" his voice lacing nothing but authority.

"I told her she wont see me again. Dont worry"

There was a frown on his face for a moment. A frown he didnt know he was capable of doing. He quickly shut his emotions back and  disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

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