Chapter 39

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Worst in me by Unlike Pluto :>

I was feeling dizzy.

No , scratch that. I was feeling like shit. 

Like a major shit.

I Flew back to New York and left Paris in the hotel room . Clutching on my shirt and begging .

I felt like an asshole for leaving her.
But what could I possibly do?

I have to collect her mother's soul.
If  I dont, it'll only prolong her agony.

If I dont let her die from heart attack now, fate would only give her more ways to die. Worse ways to die. Itll be a cycle in her life and I dont think Paris would appreciate that happening to her mother.

I dropped on their front porch looking pale as fuck .

I went in without Alexandra knowing. She is seated on the couch watching tv alone.

I stood beside the tv and dropped my illusion .

She stared at me with wide eyes and gasp. But she clearly got a hold of herself and composed herself.

"Alexandra." I said in  a deep voice. My hood is up and my scythe is right next to me.

"Death.." she sighed. A sad expression on her face.

"How's my daughter?" She asked.

My heart almost ached with the thought of her being alone in Las Vegas. I made a mental note of getting back there as soon as possible and applogise.

"She-- she wishes she could be with you right now.." i said as i sat on the couch next to her. The television turning off.

She sighed ,a tear leaving her left eye.

"I miss her. Make sure nothing bad happens to her okay?" She said.

"I promise. But we have to go now Alexandra  . Time is running. " I said as I stood up.

"- go to your room and lay down. Ill make sure an ambulance will get here." I said void with emotion.

She nodded and went straight to her room . I used the time to call 911 and report a lady having a heart attack . They said theyd be here in 10 minutes.

Seriously their service is shit.
Thats too long. But
enough time for me.

Before I could go to her room , i saw a shadow lurking in the living room

I sighed."show yourself west."

Westley's tall fram immediatly appeared. He has his head hung low , a sad expression on his face.

I can literally feel their heartache .

"Go in. She's waiting for you."
He stared at me with a grateful expression and made a bee line to the room.

This was another secret i was keeping from Paris.

Before her mother and father were put into an arranged marriage, Westley or wrath loved her first. They loved eachother but for some twisted reason, they cant be with eachother since well,  westley's not exactly human.

Their love was forbidden and cannot be.  Alexandra wanted to take risk at first. But Westley knew her fate . He knew that there's more to her fate. That she could live a life . Have a home, a  family,  a daughter. . .

So he sacrificed his love for her life. Because if they continue their forbidden love, she'd die and her soul will get trapped in limbo.

Limbo's the worst place youd want to get trapped into.

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