🌒Chapter 1🌒

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🌒Your Point of View🌒

trigger warning // implied suicide

light editing

"No, if you just listened to me none of this would have happened!" If my neighbors could see me they'd think I'm crazy. I'm pacing around my living room, shouting at my phone, my friend was going through some things, she kept asking for advice then not following it, then asking for more help when it goes south. i was going through my own issues too, but I've put all my energy into her and it was not helping my case. I deleted the chat, needing to help myself for once. Hyperventilating, I ran upstairs to my room.

it was 9:30 PM in Columbus, Ohio, a fair spring night. not too hot, not too cold, not too cloudy i noted as i threw my window open and grabbed my earbuds that resembled an earpiece that any artist would wear on stage during a concert, i prefered those over normal earbuds, the music always sounds better and they stay in my ears easier. (Josh has his in in the picture i used at the beginning of the chapter, they look like his)

"Twenty One Pilots," was the first playlist in my music, so i pulled it up and tapped on "Truce." The opening notes rang through my ears, pulling sobs out of my mouth as Tyler began to sing.

"Now the night is coming to an end, oooh," his voice calmed me a little as i stepped out onto my roof, the shingles prickling the bottoms of my bare feet, intentions unclear.

"the sun will rise and we will try again, ooh," his voice went on as i cried, i stepping farther onto my roof, my toes curling over the edge and i peer down, pondering what to do.

"stay alive, stay alive for me," he sang, the piano chimed along with him (this song literally kept me alive at some points this is all too real) as i looked at the concrete of my patio below me, stepping back a little, and sitting down, dangling my legs over the edge.

"you will die, but now your life is free, take pride in what is sure to die."

"just try." I said to myself and my legs swung around in the wind, tears streamed down my face. I hummed along to the song on repeat for a while, just staring out into my large back yard and the park across the street, looking at how pretty and empty it was in the dark.

Suddenly i heard the opening of "LA Devotee" blasting in my ears and i nearly fell off my roof. I glanced at my phone vibrating next to me to see y/bf/n (your best friend's name) calling me and all of the frustration and hurt feelings came back. i glanced down at the ground below me before climbing back up on my roof to stand and answer the phone. jumping now wouldn't help anything.

"Listen, y/bf/n, i love you to bits but I've been trying so so so hard to help you and you won't listen, and i really need to take care of myself," i choked out between sniffles as i wiped tears away from my cheek so they didn't get on my phone. "I love you and i want to help but i mentally can't right now, i just- i can't" i said as i climbed back in my window and opened a bottle of pain killers and pop one in my mouth, swallowing it dry. y/bf/n started sniffling through the phone, "I'm sorry y/n," they say. "It's okay, i'll talk to you soon, i love you," i stammered out quickly and hung up before i heard her answer.

"9:58" i said as i glanced at the time on my phone. "perfect"

i opened my closet door and pulled out my nike's before putting them on and pulling the laces tight. i'm already wearing sweats and a loose tank top on so i grab my phone and run downstairs, readjusting my ear buds before i dash out the door, not bothering to lock it behind me, and running into the dark park.

at times like these i didn't really know what else to do besides run, so i did what i knew helped best.

"this is not what i had planned" boomed through my earbuds in tyler's voice as i sprinted through the park eyes closed, I've come here to run so many times that i know where i'm going without seeing. My feet pounded against the brick path to the beat of "forest,"  faltering when it ended and "goner" came on. i started to cry and sing along, running a little slower than before.

"I'm a goner, somebody catch my breath," tyler and i sang in unison. i weaved through the park, voice lifting higher as the song progressed.

but it dropped to a low note "don't let me be gone" i almost whisper over and over as tyler repeatedly taps on the Ab key with his right hand and a combination of other notes with his left (goner is super fun on the piano cause at this up coming point you get to pound on the keys and scream) until he stopped for a moment, collecting his breath, then screamed. "DONT LET ME BE." i let the words escape my mouth and get carried through the wind and i sprinted, feeling a little more energized as tyler pounded away on his piano.

"DONT LET ME BE OH YEAH" I'm sobbing now, if anyone were to see me, they'd think I'd fallen off the deep end, which honestly isn't that far from the truth. i started choking over my words when suddenly i crash into a warm body and my eyes flew open. all i could see was a flurry of camo, then bright blues and oranges before my face crashes into a white tank top. then all i saw was black again, surely jabbing whoever's torso with my nose. strong arms wrapped around me and we're falling. it all happened so slow, the state of mind i was in definitely aiding that.

tyler's screaming is dulled as an earbud flew out of my ear, the words still profound, "SOMEBODY CATCH MY BREATH, I WANT TO BE KNOWN BY YOU, I WANT TO BE KNOWN BY you."

i was a panting crying mess as the song ended and i ripped my other ear bud out, not caring to pause the music. the man under me groaned a little but then he spoke, his voice was so unknown but so familiar at the same time, i felt his chest vibrate under my shoulders.

"are you okay?" he asked and sat up, arms still wrapped around me until he was sure i wouldnt fall over again. i was greeted by bright blobs, my eyes clouded, eyelashes clogged and clumped with tears. i rubbed them slowly, clearing them out before they focused on the sight in front of me.

I was breathing hard as i stared at him, tears started streaming down my face again as i spoke up, "i-i think so" i stuttered. "i'm sorry, i-i should have- watched where i was g-going" i sniffled slightly and looked at him, bright yellow hair, a snapback and skateboard on the ground next to us, tattoos up both arm, and eyebrows knotted in concern above soft brown eyes, twinkling in the park light above us and i scrambled off of his lap.

"j-josh dun?"

  🌒Somebody  Catch My Breath🌒 

"hehehe cliffhanger because this got to be over 1k words and i don't want to bore whoever is reading this (if anyone)

hope you enjoy the first chapter, i want this to last longer than my other fic "Lamb" did [which btw if you want a Tyler x reader fic that has longer chapters (although there are only 5) then you should check it out, it's almost at 200 reads :)] so i don't really have a plot for this except for the first few chapter :/ i'll improvise i guess

so, it's 11:31 PM here, i know how the next chapter will start and i'll work on it tomorrow, unless i cant sleep then i'll do it tonight.

hope you're enjoying so far"

i decided to keep author's notes at the end because they're nice memories, i'm just gonna put them in quotation marks

much love
izzy xx

Light in the Park // Josh Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now