🌔Chapter 3🌔

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🌔Your Point of View🌔

🌔Your Point of View🌔

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🌔Joshua's House🌔

We got to his house at around 11 that night, it was nice, not too big not too small, not as messy as i thought it would be. It was very homey, comfortable, warm, unlike mine. I hadn't had time to decorate my house to my liking, i have art to buy and better furniture to get, but I've been busy. i work long hours at the local vet clinic and it didn't help that i felt as if i was going insane.

It only took about five minutes to get there from the park, and he was very welcoming. I was expecting him to have a large house, but I was surprised when we pulled in to the driveway of a quaint brick house with a crisp white door. I looked out my window sleepily and he quickly got out of the car, ran around to my side, and opened the door for me, and I felt butterflies start to flap their wings in my stomach as I climbed out and he closed the door behind me then led me up to the front door.

He fumbled around in his pockets for a few seconds until he found his key, then unlocked the door, turning the brass doorknob and opening it, revealing a semi-open spaced house, a small living room to the right and a kitchen to the left.

"welcome to the Josh Dun household," he said proudly as I took in my surroundings. "it's so much comfier than my house is," I gawked and he smiled at me as he rubbed the back of his neck. "well, let's get you situated," he said before grabbing my hand and leading me in to the living room, and I took a better look at it.

 "well, let's get you situated," he said before grabbing my hand and leading me in to the living room, and I took a better look at it

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(sorry this picture sucks)

It was small, but that was okay, I liked it. There was a large "L" shaped couch that hugged the wall. "you can sit anywhere," Josh said and pointed to a cushiony table in front of the couch, "the remote is on there, you can watch TV if you'd like. Do you want anything to eat?" he asked as he watched me with concerned eyes. I fidgeted with my tight running pants, the elastic waist was digging in to my sides uncomfortably, "no I'm not hungry, th-thank you though." My voice faltered as I tried to sound brave and sat down in the corner of the "L" couch and made broken eye contact with Josh, his eyebrows were furrowed.

"you look uncomfortable, I think I have something for you to wear, sit tight," he said confidently as he sauntered out of the room, hanging his snapback up on a hook by the door and bounding upstairs.

I listened to his footsteps travel through the house, becoming more muffled as he traveled further away from where I was, then gazed around at the room. In front of me there was a white bookshelf, in it countless books and magazines rested, and a larger spot where a big TV sat. I reached for the remote and turned it on but wasn't really sure what to put on so scrolled through a few channels until it rested on Nickelodeon, where an old episode of Drake and Josh was playing. (a/n because I am a kid and who doesn't like watching Drake and Josh) I didn't really pay attention, I felt pretty empty in my head as I thought about what happened that evening, and I knew if I was in a better state, I would not be this calm on the outside. I'd always found Josh attractive (a/n who doesn't babe) and wanted to meet him, but never thought I would. Nonetheless I was excited to sit in his house even under the circumstances, but I knew this would probably never happen, tomorrow I would leave and go back to my shitty ways, and he would go back to doing whatever he does when he isn't on tour, he would probably forget me after meeting so many other people, and go on with our lives. My mind took over as I stared out the window at the trees rustling, the edges illuminated by the moon, and I heard Josh running down the stairs again and back in to the living room, carrying a stack of clothes.

I know no one reads this lol, but here, i wrote 4 chapters today and I'm gonna publish them all, chapter 6 is pretty short, but I'm in the process of writing chapter 7. sweet sorry this story sucks in general and is going no where but i don't want to rush it.




Light in the Park // Josh Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now