🌓Chapter 2🌓

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🌓Your Point of View🌓

light editing

"j-josh dun?" i stuttered as i gazed into the coffee eyes of the man i just ran in to, still sitting on his legs. "i-i'm so sorry, i-i'll um-" i stumbled over my words as i scoot off of him and start to get up. but he cut me off,"no, it's okay," he said, reaching out and grabbing my wrist, keeping me on the ground next to him. "don't move, are you hurt?" he inquired, mocha eyes sparkling in the park light above us.

this is not what i had planned i thought to myself, trying to hide that i was crying from josh. i'm not hurt, i am the one who fell on him.

"no, i'm.... okay, i should be asking you the same, you kinda, you know, shielded me." i was panicking, tears welled in my eyes again and i forced a weak smile before the dams in my eyes broke again.

"hey hey hey, don't cry, what's wrong, i don't bite," he said, reaching a soft hand out to my cheek and wiping my tears away. this time i really smile, josh is normal. he's not like some other celebrities who let everything get to their head, he's actually a person, and he's normal.

"it's nothing, i'm (y/f/n)" i introduced myself, sniffling between words. "well it obviously isn't 'nothing,'" josh said as he began to stand up, groaning a little, then reaching down to pull you up. he smoothed his camo bomber jacket that was tied neatly around his waist and put a hand on my shoulder.

"i know, i'm just... flustered." i blushed because he probably though that i was a crazy fan 'cause i was crying to one of his songs. "i'm sorry, you probably think i'm crazy..." you trailed off. "no, don't worry about it, everyone goes through stuff, and that song is really emotional, you should have seen tyler when we were writing it," he replied, eyebrows knotting with concern and i relaxed a little bit.

"so, (y/n)," he started, leaning down the pick up his black snapback that flew off before ruffling his hair around and putting it on backwards. "i was scouting out a place to look up at the stars and i think that hill over there suits my desires," he saied, gesturing at a hill 10 yards away from the place we were standing. "care to join me?" he asked and i nodded wearily, still a bit anxious.

Josh leaned down and grabbed his skateboard, before leading me over to the hill by some trees. finding the perfect spot in a clearing, he threw his skateboard down and plopped onto the grass, patting the spot next to him. i stood staring at the moon, breathing and trying to calm myself down but failing as tears began to stream down my cheeks. josh looked up at me and frowned, opening his arms up, i quickly fell into them.

🌓Joshua's Point of View🌓

I was sitting in the grass, the still standing (y/n) next to me. i wanted  to know what was troubling her, the pain in her eyes and her voice made me sad too. i wish i knew her, i wanted to help. i admired them while she  stood and looked up at the night sky. her features were outlined by the full moon, and i couldn't help but think that she really was beautiful, and i would do anything to protect her, until she turned to me and i saw her tears glinting in the moonlight. rage boiled in my chest.

"oh come here," i said, reaching my arms out for her  to fall in, forgetting the throbbing in my back that was surely scraped up. she knelt down next to me and i hugged her close as she cried.

"now, do you wanna tell me what's wrong?"

  🌓 Your Point of View🌓 

i was in the middle of the park that i keow like the back of my hand. it was always a solitary place i went to reflect or calm down but this time, but this time i wasn't not alone.

He spoke  softly, it sounded as if he truly cared, so i told him everything that happened.

🌓20 Minutes Later🌓 

"and she told me that her boyfriend was still abusing her, and she says he loves her and i know he doesn't. every time i see her she's in worse shape. i'm trying to help her but she wont listen and-" tears started to form again, "and i'm scared she'll get hurt so bad she wont make it one day. but i'm so frustrated, i almost got better, i was so close to being mentally healthy and now I'm here, lying in the middle of the park at like 10:30 crying my eyes out." i was breathing hard then, "i almost didn't make it here, i stood on my roof for half an hour, at first i thought about it-" my heart was beating faster and flipping around in my chest, "i stood at the edge of my roof for a few minutes before i calmed down, then i sat there for a while and listened to music, i was feeling better, and then she called me again and i spiraled. i couldn't bring myself to do it though, so i got up and ran."

Josh and i were lying on our backs looking at the stars, well at least i was, because when i turned to my left, he was gazing at me, eyes filled with worry.

"i'm glad you're here, i'm sorry this happened," he said, voice cracking in the middle of his sentence. he turned fully onto his side so he was facing me. "i know you don't know me very well (y/n) but I'm concerned, i truly am. please come to my house tonight, i have a spare room you can stay in, i don't want you to be alone tonight," he said softly.

butterflies flit around in my stomach, did he really ask me that? i rubbed my eyes and looked over at him.

"okay," i whispered

"good," he sighed and tucked a bit of lemon hair back into his hat, before rolling back over and getting up, reaching his hand out for me to grab.

"thank you, for everything, and i'm sorry, i hope you aren't too scraped up," i said sheepishly.

"nothing some ice and a few bandaids cant fix," he smiled, his little tongue poking out between his teeth, and i smiled back. i felt better since that i talked to someone, but still sniff a little.

"come on, let's go to my car, it shouldn't be too far from here," he chimed, grabbing his skateboard and placing a hand on my back, rubbing small circles into it while he guided me to the parking lot.

  🌓Then I Crash Dramatically Into a Wall🌓 

"this sucks, sorry :(

it's kinda late and i feel uncreative and self conscious.

so ya"

it feels so good to be back editing this book. i feel so nostalgic. i may disappear for a long while, some stuff has happened and i dont feel safe at home anymore. if you want to know about whatever's happening then just talk to me outside of this book. i dont want to broadcast it to everyone.

but hopefully from this pain, i'll get good content.

i definitely think that deciding to edit this book was a good idea, i grew so much as a writer since i started this and i can definitely tell as i'm rereading these chapters. i'm so much happier with what this chapter is like now, thank you all so much for sticking around.

stay safe

much love
izzy xx

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