🌘Chapter 30🌘

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before i know it i was being nudged awake. i grumbled slightly and blinked the sleep out of my eyes and i saw josh standing outside the car next to me with our bags. he opened my door and was gently shaking me, "hey, time to go, my friends are waiting, and they're dying to meet you," he said, his hair standing out in the dark. i shook my head and unbuckled my seatbelt before i climbed out of the car and closed the door. josh offered his hand, which i took, and we strolled out of the parking lot and into the private airport. i smiled to myself as we walked through the entrance and saw no one besides TSA workers and other airport employees around the building.

josh and i walked in silence hand in hand and i couldn't help but grow anxious, "josh, am i allowed to take my meds when i get on the plane?" i asked and i glanced up at him, he was smiling widely like he knew something i didn't. he didn't seem to hear me and elbowed him in the side, "Joshua," he snapped out of it and looked down at me, "huh, what, oh yeah. you can take them in the plane, or when we land since that's closer to the time you take it right?" i sighed and nodded because i forgot it was only 5:30 in the morning. i nervously walked through the small airport with josh and wondered how much farther we had, because i was really tired and wanted to go back to sleep. (me 25/8)

josh broke the silence first, "the gate is just around the corner, my friends are waiting there." i gulped nervously as josh and i rounded the corner and there were his friends. i gasped, "josh is that who i think it is?!" i stopped him in his tracks and tried not to scream with joy. roughly 20 yards in front of us stood two people, a woman with piercing blue eyes and lightly dyed pink hair (im so damn tired that i wrote "here" instead of "hair"), holding hands with a man in a blank t-shirt. josh just nodded and waved at the couple before readjusting the bag slung on his shoulder. "tyler, jenna, hey!" he called and began pulling me towards the two.

my heart was beating fast and i was trying not to fan girl and josh dragged me behind him and a giant smile spread across my face, all traces of tiredness wiped away. when we approached Tyler and Jenna, i saw that they had the same expressions as me, huge smiled plastered on their faces as josh let go of my hand. Jenna immediately let go of tyler's hand and nearly yelled, "y/n! I've heard so much about you, it's so nice to finally meet you," and approached me with open arms. i nervously let go of my luggage and hugged her, "hi jenna, it's nice to meet you too," i said against her hair and smiled even wider, if that was possible. over Jenna's shoulder i saw (holy fuck i had the stupidest idea and im definitely not doing it at all, because that would change the whole course of this fic.) josh and tyler talking happily. when jenna and i let go, we turned to the boys and smiled. "ah, you must be the infamous y/n," tyler smiled and opened his arms wide too. we fell into a quick embrace and i looked up at him nervously, "yep, that's me." i chuckled and josh took my hand again. "well, what are we waiting for, let's go," he said and tyler and jenna picked up their luggage and headed out the door to the tarmac. we followed them to the small jet that was waiting for us. we climbed the stairs and i looked around the fancy and expensive looking jet. there was literally a table between two pairs of seats, on a jet. "im just gonna sit down and not touch anything 'cause i know i'll break something," i say and everyone laughs. i smiled and my chest swelled with joy as we stowed our luggage in and overhead storage unit and sat down at the table across from tyler and jenna. the pilot and the flight attendants when through the whole shpeel that they do every time you fly and then soon enough we're taxiing around on the runway.

sorry it's short but i wanted to give you guys something, anyway, thank you for 9.5k, that's ridiculous, nearly 10k reads, 1/10 of 100000, 1/100 of 1000000, and it blows my mind. im kinda in a depressed mood so i found it hard to write something happy, and that's why it's so short

much love


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