🌗Chapter 21🌗

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This kiss was not an ordinary kiss, there was something behind it. I felt my spine tingling and my lips were numb, it wasn't quick like all our others. In the heat of the moment I felt Josh's hands grip my waist and pull me in to his lap under the starry sky. When we both needed air, we pulled away and gasped, our faces red and flushed. I stared into Josh's honey brown eyes and smiled before leaning over and placing a kitten kiss to his nose. "So is that a yes?" he chuckled nervously and I play punched his shoulder before wrapping around him in a hug, "of course it is silly."

With that, Josh pulled me closer in his arms and we laid back down on the blanket and I traced the swirly patterns of the tattoo on his arm as we relaxed, finally at ease knowing that our feelings were mutual for each other.

I was starting to doze off when I felt Josh squeeze my shoulders. "y/n let's go, you're falling asleep." I shifted in his grasp and rubbed my eyes before sitting up and letting out a kitten yawn. "m'kay Joshie." I felt josh stand up next to me and then felt his hands wrap around my wrists and he pulled me to my feet. "let me just call tyler, one second." He said and reached for his phone, which he left by the speaker next to us.

I watched him dial a number and hold the phone to his ear in the dim light of the lantern beside us and he made a silly face at me, I returned it by sticking out my tongue and crossing my arms in a fake pout.

"Hey tyler, I-yeah everything is fine, more than fine, perfect actually," he smiled at me and started to fold the blanket we were laying on while he talked. "no we're about to head out, yeah that would be great, I don't want to bother you though, I'll be by later to help-no no, really. Fine okay, fine, thank you so much Ty, bye."

Josh sighed and stuffed his phone in his pocket before taking his snapback off and running his fingers through his messy lemony hair and replacing the hat to his head. "okay, let's get you home shall we," he smiled and put the small speaker I the bundle of blanket and shoved it under my arm before reaching out his hand for me to take. We linked fingers and started walking towards my house.

~Josh's point of view~

While the phone was dialing, I crossed my eyes and made a face at y/n and I watched her laugh and stick her tongue out at me before she crossed her arms and turned away from me slightly.

"Hi Josh," I heard tyler's voice on the other line when he picked up.

"Hey Tyler I--"

"What's wrong, is everything okay? Did she say yes?" Tyler cut me off and I sighed.

"Yeah everything is fine, more than fine, perfect actually," I looked over at y/n and smiled at her then started folding the blanket up.

"so what are you gonna stay at the park some more, why are you talking to me, spend time with her!" Tyler teased and I heard him chuckle.

"No we're about to head out," I replied sighing.

"you want me to come clean up so nothing is taken?"

"yeah that would be great, I don't want to bother you though. I'll be by later to help," told him, I didn't want him to clean up my mess.

"josh go spend time with her, I'll do it and drop the stuff at your house," he replied in his sassy ways.

"no, no really!" I insisted

"Josh," he said sassily again and I knew this wasn't a fight I would win.

"fine okay, fine thank you so much Ty."

"no problem, have fun, goodbye."


I hung up and shoved the phone in my pocket, fixing my hair slightly after, and wrapped the speaker up in the blanket, music softly resumed after I hung up with Tyler, and reached out for y/n's hand. "okay, let's get you home shall we." I felt her smile next to me as she entwined our fingers and we started walking towards her house.

Light in the Park // Josh Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now