🌗Chapter 37🌗

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just a friendly reminder that that image exists, also this song gives me summer vibes so i suggest listening to it while reading.

Love in the Middle of a Firefight

Dillon Francis ft. Brendon Urie

josh and i ran full-speed towards the beach, floties wrapped around waists, leaving brendon, sarah, jenna, and tyler behind. we reached the shore, a squeal leaving my lips as we splash through the water, disturbing the little baby snook swimming around in the shallow water.

we were up to our knees in water and i didnt want to get in further yet, but josh kept pulling my arm, so i wrenched my hand from his grip and watched him fall face first into the water. i threw my head back and laughed, pointing at josh and his sodden yellow hair as the rest of the group came up behind me. everyone was chuckling as tyler asked, "what happened?" between breath. i rolled my eyes and turned towards him, "he wanted to go in deeper so i stood here while he was pulling me forward and got my wrist out of his hand and he fell forward." the group laughed again as josh sputtered, swan floaty keeping him afloat. he ran a wet hand through his hair and glared at me as i splashed water on him, "come on, let's get up and go deeper,"i smiled and reached down, offering josh a hand. he grabbed hold of it and as i pulled up, he pulled me down in the water with him and i shrieked as i found myself next to him, water up to my neck and my butt floating. "joshua, you asshole," i said as jenna laughed and picked me up, brendon doing the same with josh.

despite our incident, josh and i laced fingers again and all of us waded into deeper water, until it was up to our waist and the floaties made it so that we didnt need to stand anymore. we all paddled deeper into the water and floated together.

we laughed and joked about random things, brendon, josh, and tyler talked about how they missed being on tour, jenna and sarah glad that theyre settled down now. i smiled at how passionate the boys were when they talked about music because i felt the same way.

the tide brought us to shore eventually and we discarded the floaties by the towels again. "hey, let's go look for seashells," jenna said to the group, "before it gets dark," i looked at josh and nodded, lacing our fingers together as all of us walked over to the shore again. we scoured the shore for shells and i grew bored after a while of sifting through sand, as there were only broken up shells that pricked the bottoms of me feet, so i waded back in the water, josh looking at me funny.

he was about to speak but i hushed him, turning my gaze down to the crystal clear water. i watched the baby snook swim around my feet as i stood there, waiting until there were a bunch gathered by me and leaned down, quickly scooping my hand through the water trying to catch one, of course i missed and all of the fish swam away. "darn it!" i yelled and josh turned back to me. "what?"

"i tried to catch a snook."

"a what?"

"a snook!"

"i know, i heard you but what is it?"

"theyre fish, the babies are hatched here, and stay until theyre grown, then they swim out to sea," i said, gesturing to the school of fish that were a few feet away from me and josh.

"whoever catches on first wins?" josh asked with a smirk.

"hell yeah," i replied as we crouched down next to each other, eyes trained on the small fish swimming by our ankles.

we both scooped at the water until the sun was halfway set, neither of us catching one. tyler walked over to us, "what on earth are you two doing?" he asked and we both looked up at him. "trying to catch fish," i said and turned back to the water, squinting at it through the glare of the setting sun. "well, come back to the campfire when you're done, Brendon and sarah set it up, we're all about to eat," tyler shrugged and trodded through the water back to the shore. with the mention of food, i stood straight up and followed tyler, josh laughed at me as he followed.

as we approached the towels that were rearranged around the campfire, brendon threw extra towels at us to dry off with before we sat down, "thanks man," josh said as he dried his legs off and i did the same. we put the towels on top of the pile of floaties and went to the coolers. one was stocked with beers and the others had hot dogs and cheeseburgers with buns, folded up skewers to warm them up with over the fire and plates , and s'mores materials in them. josh as i both grabbed a beer, i grabbed a cheeseburger (sorry if you're vegetarian, you grabbed a veggie burger) and two plates, handing one to josh. "thanks Cub," he said with a smile and kissed me on the top of the head, my cheeks started to burn. josh grabbed a hot dog and a bun, putting condiments on it, and i did the same with my burger, neither of us willing to warm them over the fire, that's too much work.

we took our food and plopped down on our towels and began to dig in, knees pressed up against each other. we all joked as we all got buzzed, besides tyler, he said he doesnt drink.

the sun had completely set and the stars shone in the night sky wehn brendon said "hey, i have an idea," face illuminated by the orange glow of the fire. "let's skinny dip," he said and glanced around the circle. tyler shook his head, "i'm okay, thanks though," and jenna nodded in agreement.

"josh, y/n, are you gonna join me and sarah?" brendon asked, i looked over at josh with an eyebrow raised, "why not," i said and he laughed, "i'm not drunk enough for this, brendon and sarah, we'll meet you out there, i'm getting another beer," josh sais and grabbed my hand excitedly. i was worried, what did he have planned.

"alright, be quick," brendon said as he and sarah got up and started heading to the water, stopping halfway to drop their swim suits. josh yanked me past the coolers and i looked at him confused, "i thought you were getting a beer," i asked him and he looked back at me with mischief in his eyes. "yeah, i lied, i have an idea," he said and led me other to the jeep, opening the back door and pulling a condom out of the seat pocket, eyes asking me if i wanted to, i smiled sheepishly and said, "but brendon and sarah and tyler and jenna,"

josh just laughed and pulled his swim trunks down, pumping his dick a couple times and he ripped the condom open, sliding it on, before pulling his trunks back up. i sighed and he said, "once we get in the water we can "accidentally" swim away from them," he said.

it must have been the beer i had because i found myself saying, "why the fuck not, let's go," and laughed, grabbing his hand as we drunkenly ran back to the beach.

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