🌖Chapter 36🌖

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dedicated to edslock because they read the whole book at once and i promised them i'd write a chapter for them :DDD


The Brobecks

?? idk what album

"get off at this upcoming exit," josh said, pointing out open window. I put on my right signal and merged into the exit lane as Aeroplanes started playing over the car speakers.

~i like the vibes form this song, i think even if the words dont really fit with it, the vibes do, so if you wanna listen to it, great, if not, good on you.~

i swayed back and forth to the beat of the opening as i down shifted and exited the freeway. over the loud music, i heard josh's phone ding. i glanced at him out of the corner of my eye as he looked down at it, before focusing on the road ahead of me. "brendon just texted me, him and sarah are gonna pick up food for dinner and theyre bringing a fire pit with camp fire stuff." tyer and jenna looked at each other in excitement as i pulled up to a stop light. i looked at josh with happy eyes and leaned over the cup the middle consul, pecking him on the cheek and whispering a thank you. he placed his hand on mine and bumped our foreheads together. a car honked behind us and tyler coughed, josh and i quickly pulled away, faces growing read, chests hot with embarrassment, and i looked up and saw that the red turned green.

~time skip to the private beach parking area~

"guys! this is amazing!" i shrieked as i put the car in neutral and put on the emergency brake. we all climbed out of the car, hurrying to the trunk to grab all the floaties and towels.  tyler and jenna stood behind me and josh as we struggled to pull the black and white swans out of the trunk, the occasional giggle sounding from them.

once we had all our things, i closed the trunk and locked the jeep up. "shall we?" josh said, sticking his hand out through the loop of one of the swan floaties. "we shall," i said with a smirk, joy filling my chest as i shuffled the floatie around in my arms so i could take his hand. tyler and jenna came up next to us as we made our way to the  beach.

with our toes in the sand, we tossed the floaties down in a pile and laid our towels out and waited for brendon and sarah to arrive. we all made small talk until i felt my phone vibrate in my pull-over pocket. i took it out and glaced at it, incoming call from unknown number. i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and excused myself from the group, getting off of my towel and walking a few feet away and answering the call.

"hello?" i said, "this is (y/n)"

"(y/n)! good, lemon head gave me the right number," a familiar voice answered.

"brendon? hi, what's up," i said and my heart skipped a beat.

"josh said that he was keeping his phone on silent so he could... focus on you the whole time. so he gave me your number since he knew he wouldnt get any notifications from a call or anything." i blushed hard when i heard Brendon say that, my thoughts fluttering to the freckled man sitting on a towel behind me. i turned around to see him glancing up at me, his cheeks tinted a bright pink when our eyes connected, and he waved shyly. i rolled my eyes and turned back around and giggled.

"he really said that, huh?" i said.

"yeah, i just wanted to let you guys know that we're about two minutes out, we'll be there around 3:30," he said cheerfully.

"alright, well, we'll see you then," i said, smiling.

"yep, cool, bye."


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