🌔Chapter 26🌔

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after a small makeout session with josh, he left to get ready for the grand prix and i grabbed my phone and speaker then hurried to the shower. i put my music on shuffle and jammed out to fall out boy and panic while i scrubbed down.

around thirty minutes later (i take really long showers without meaning to so there we go) i grabbed my towel from the rack and dried off before padding barefoot into my room, leaving damp footprints behind on the hardwood floors. i slipped my fuzzy black and white robe on before wrapping a towel around my head and walking over to the closet. hmm, what should i wear? i thought to myself as i flicked through the hangers of shorts. i stumbled upon some navy blue shorts with a pink and purple gradient design on it, then found a matching pink tank top and vans hightops.

 i stumbled upon some navy blue shorts with a pink and purple gradient design on it, then found a matching pink tank top and vans hightops

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(pretend all the pinks match)

"here we go" i said to myself as i untangled my hair from the grey towel wrapped around my head and pulled off my robe before pulling the outfit on and waltzing back into the bathroom. i grabbed my hair dryer from the closet and plugged it in, then proceeded to dry my hair. when it was dry and fluffy, i ran my fingers through it and styled it to my liking and went back to my closet to retrieve my makeup and applied something subtle (i don't know makeup, i never have cared for it, never will, use your imaginations for those of you who care about it). i grabbed my phone and checked the time, 10:47, Josh would be coming over at 11:30 to chill out before we left, so i set an alarm for 12:20 so I knew when we should head out, and went downstairs and flicked the TV on to channel surf while i waited.

i got lost in the TV until i heard a knock at the door and glanced down at my phone, seeing it was 11:27 and i jumped off the couch and ran to my front door. I looked out the peep hole to see Josh standing outside looking down at his phone. i quickly grabbed at the doorknob and swung the door open and he looked up from his phone and smiled widely at me. he shoved his phone in his pocket and threw his arms around me and pulled me close, "hi" i laughed into his black and pink button up and said "josh, it's only been a couple hours, why are you so excited to see me?" and hugged him back.

 he shoved his phone in his pocket and threw his arms around me and pulled me close, "hi" i laughed into his black and pink button up and said "josh, it's only been a couple hours, why are you so excited to see me?" and hugged him back

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(this is what he's wearing)
"Well it's 'cause I love you," Josh giggled and kissed the top of my head and I swear my heart leaped in my throat and my face was set on fire. I squirmed out of his grasped and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his face down to mine and tangling slim fingers in sunshine yellow hair. "Well I love you too," I squeaked out quietly and pulled his mouth to mine, entangling our lips in a passionate kiss. Josh kicked the door open the rest of the way and guided me inside the house as out kiss became more and more heated. He broke away for a moment to look me in the eyes, "God I love you," he almost growled out and attacked my neck, (This is not where i intended this to to im sorry) where he bit beautiful scarlet purple marks into my skin sand I swallowed my moans.
Josh picked me up bridal style before attaching his lips to mine again and carrying me up the stairs to my bedroom, where he laid me down on my bed and pinned me down softly by pressing a hand on my shoulder. He propped himself up with his other arm and leaned down to kiss me harder, my chest was heating up and I felt myself start to get wet. My mind was racing a mile a minute, I was so happy, so excited, so ready as i kissed Joshua, fingers dragging on the back of his neck. After what felt lime an eternity, but was mere minutes, Josh moved his hand frim my shoulder and tugged at the hem of my shirt and I quickly nodded, only breaking our kiss so that he could slide my shirt over my head, and I was laying on the bed again, hands reached up fumbling with the buttons on josh's shirt. I felt him smile into the kiss and he broke away for a second to unbutton his short and throw it in the corner of the room.
He looked down at me and smiled, his eyes scrunching up at the corners, "God you're so beautiful, do you really want this?" And i blushed harder than i had before and nodded vigorously while letting my eyes wonder to the bulge in his pants. I flit my eyes back up to meet his and he blushed and pulled a condom out of his back pocket and attached his lips to mine again.
The kiss became heated again quickly and soon our pants were shed. Josh broke the kiss and I whined, he looked down at me and cooed, "shshhh I just need to put this on," and i stared up and him bashfully and he smiled at me.

To be continued because the chapter was getting long and I'm an asshole

But anyway thank you all so much, I have 6k reads now SIX THOUSAND FUCKING READS and 100 something votes on this dumb little book that I'm so bad at updating. I'm getting so many new readers and so many votes that I have to sleep with my phone on silent now (cause i sleep with my phone under my pillow playing music) which is not a bad problem to have. But anyway thank you all so much, this made my day, I can't wait to write the next chapter, I promise to you I will start it tomorrow, it's just that it's 11:47 PM currently and I'm extra tired, which is a whole other story. Love you guys, stay safe, eat drink take your meds, and if it's an ungodly hour of the night right now, put your phone away and go try to sleep, this boom isn't going anywhere.

Update: I'm sick and cannot function so I'll start writing the next chapter when i can move without pain.

Light in the Park // Josh Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now