🌗Chapter 44🌗

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We Are Done

The Madden Brothers

from the album Greetings From California

i  couldn't wait to write and publish this chapter after the last one so  here you go (this is a longer chapter, 2145 words to be exact)(the song also fits well even  though it isnt really a break-up song) ;)

also, i  published the first chapter of drown (another josh x reader fic) if you  want to check it out, the roles are flipped in that one, josh is the  depressed one and the reader is helping him. i really like it if you  want me to be honest, which is out of the ordinary.

(also,  sorry this is the last one, im keeping track of the time this takes  place, and this is now mid-november, thanksgiving with the families  coming up??)

it had been a few days since debby arrived, she was off on her own yesterday. that morning, josh dropped her off to get a rental car and they hung out while i was at work. i never though anything of it, they were friends, right? but today, debby wanted to come to work with me, see what it was like.

it was bright and early that tuesday morning, around 6 o'clock. i rubbed my eyes and turned over to the still sleeping josh next to me, scooting closer to him and kissing the back of his neck before rolling out of bed and using the bathroom.

i yawned as i trudged down the hall to the guest room and knocked on the door. "debby? time to get up." i said and heard her grunt from inside. (same) "since you have a car, you can meet me there if you arent ready by the time i am." another grunt. i sighed and walked back to my room, knowing full well that she would be driving herself to the vet clinic that morning.

i grabbed some scrubs out of my drawer and changed into them before going back to the bathroom to get ready some more. at 6:30 i walked back into the bedroom to see josh stirring. i smiled and sat down on the bed across from him. "good morning dunshine," i whispered as he yawned and sat up. he groaned a bit and said, "up already i see," with a chuckle. i leaned over and kissed the top of his head, his hair growing a bit fluffy since he shaved it. "i do this almost every weekday," i say and intertwine our fingers. "i know but" he sighed. "but what," i said with mock stern in my voice. "but i like sleeping in and waking up to you in my arms," he whined and i rolled my eyes, giving him a light punch to the arm. "we do this every day, i have off tomorrow so we can do just that, okay?" i said and stood up, only to be pulled back down again by josh. "okay," he said and wrapped his arms around me. i sighed again, "let me go or i'm leaving without a kiss," i said and he instantly let go of me. i stood up then bent over, placing a quick peck to his lips, earning another groan from josh, before spinning on my heel and skipping out of the room. "bye joshua," i said as i paused in the door frame, "you better give me a better kiss tonight," he replied and i just giggled and shook my head, heading back down the hall to check on debby.

"debby?" i asked as i knocked on the door again. "yes, yes, i'm up, but just text me the address and i'll be there by 8." i shook my head yet again and pulled my phone out of my pocket, pulling up debby's contact and sending her the address." okay, see you then."


it was a pretty packed day today. i was ringing a customer up when the door opened again, and debby walked in. "hey y/n," she said with a smile and a wave as she walked over to the counter. "hey girl," i said as i opened the door to let her behind the counter.

a little girl that was sitting with her mom and a small dog on the far side of the room gasped and yelled, "OH MY GOSH MOMMY LOOK! IT'S JESSIE!!" and ran up to the counter. the mom frantically stood up and followed her. "it's okay," debby said as she let herself out from behind the counter and knelt down in front of the girl, who had to have been 5 years old. "hi there, what's your name?" she asked with a smile. "hi Jessie, my name- my- my name is um. my name is um," the girl stuttered (me buying time to think of a name) "her name is Luna," the mom smiled down at Debby. "hi Luna, do you want to take a picture?" luna nodded frantically as debby crouched behind her and the mom pulled out her phone, snapping a picture of the two. "nice to meet you, luna," debby said and pulled her into a hug. "bye jessie," luna said with a little wave and a tear starting to drip down her cheek.

Light in the Park // Josh Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now