🌔Chapter 7🌔

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🌔Your Point of View🌔

Something was touching my face and I opened my eyes to see big round grey ones staring back, a large, fluffy, sandy cat was standing on its back paws, its front paws up on the couch right in front of my face, and it was leaned forward, sniffing my nose.

Something was touching my face and I opened my eyes to see big round grey ones staring back, a large, fluffy, sandy cat was standing on its back paws, its front paws up on the couch right in front of my face, and it was leaned forward, sniffing my...

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(a/n isn't he adorable!ipeuhdhfnpiehrnpiehrnpgi)

"holy shit!" I yelped, I was lying on my left side in a dark, unfamiliar room, the sun's ray shining around the edges of the curtains, with an unfamiliar cat in my face. When strong arms tightened around me from behind and I felt a soft exhale tickle the back of my neck, I remembered what happened last night.

And then I realized that Josh was holding me, I didn't fall asleep like this last night, and I squirmed around until i was facing him, looking up at him with doe eyes and watching his lashes flutter in the winds of our breath. Our legs were tangled together under the blanket and when I stirred, he pulled me in closer, I gladly let him.

The cat jumped up on top of us and pushed its way in between us. Josh moved an arm from around me and patted the kitty almost instinctively (a/n if you have a cat (that you actually like of course) you'll understand that) with his eyes still closed, mumbling something I couldn't quite understand to the cat in his sleep. The fluff ball wriggled up to Josh's face and nuzzled its head into his yellow hair, meowing in his ear, and josh's eyes flit open. I pulled the blanket closer to my face to hide the smile and blush upon my cheeks and watched as Josh smiled at the cat. Something in his brain clicked and he pushed the cat over and looked at me.

"morning y/n," he whispered, voice husky with sleep and I could see him blush a little.

"good morning sunshine," I squeaked out, reaching up and rustling his highlighter hair, watching the corners of his eyes crinkle in a goofy smile. "what time is it?" I asked.

He moved an arm from around me and looked at his watch, his eyes widening. "woah it's noon," he said I laughed.

"well I had a good sleep, your cat scared the hell out of me though," I mumbled around the blanket.

"Spooky! What did you do this time sir?" he chuckled, patting Spooky's head.

"he was smelling my face and I woke up and BOOM there he was. He is very cute though." I said rolling onto my back, trying not to fall off of the tan couch, and Spooky climbs on my chest letting out a mew. Josh laughed next to me and pulled his arm out from behind my head then sat up.

"he is adorable, but he's a trouble maker sometimes." The sunshine boy spoke softly, picking Spooky up and cradling him in his arms.

(im switching back to past tense, it was my instinct to write that way and idk why I ignored it)

"I can imagine," I replied, pushing the fluffy blanket down to my hips and propped myself up on my elbows. Josh was whispering sweet nothings to the fluffy little cat and I couldn't help but admire him as he reached out a finger and scratched Spooky's chin.

"hey josh?" I asked

"mhm?" he hummed, letting Spooky go. The cat got up, waved his tail in Josh's face, and jumped off the couch and we sat there and we looked at each other and giggled. My heart fluttered in my chest again and I looked away. I wanted to ask him what all this meant, everything that happened since he picked me up, but my anxiety got the best of me, and I decided against it. "Never mind," I mumble, looking down at my thumbs and picking at a piece of dead cuticle.

"hey, how about breakfast—well, I guess lunch now," he said, sensing my nervousness.

"sounds nice, I can make pancakes if you want." I said, looking back into his coffee colored eyes, letting a small smile creep across my face.

"you don't think I'm gonna let you make them alone do you?" he replied teasingly as he untangled our legs and climbed around me, standing up next to the couch and reaching out to pull me up.

I stretched my arms out and he gripped on to my hands, and gently drew me to my feet, and let go of me, only to wrap his arms around me and pull me in to a tight hug. I stiffened a little in surprise but then let myself melt in to him and enveloped him in my arms and buried my head in his chest. Josh tilted his head down and rested it on my shoulder, swaying side to side, and his breath tickled my neck, my hair quivering in its breeze. "I'm sorry we had to meet the way we did, but I'm so glad I decided to go to the park last night. It kills me to see people sad," he whispered and I felt my eyes start to water. Someone actually cared about my well-being for once and I never wanted this moment to end. But josh lifted his head and pulled away and put a hand on each of my arms. He held me a foot away and looked deep in to my eyes, my breath caught in my throat as I stared back at him, eyes widening. "don't let words get to you, I know it's tough, but if anyone says anything to you, I will personally shove a drumstick up their ass," he smiled at the last part and leaned forward and kissed my forehead softly. "now, how about we start on those pancakes."

🌔I Know There's Someone At the Door🌔


okay i'm back but a lot of shit has happened recently that makes me really mad and i want to punch everything.

but i have an interview tomorrow for a paying internship, and then if i get that it's $500 for just kinda sitting there, but it's nice. if i get it, i'll get this cool ukulele and then either save the rest or get new clothes, or maybe even two ukuleles... or new drums sticks and a bass but also idk, anyway, great, i hope this was okay, i really didnt change much because not much is happening yet.

much love
izzy xx

Light in the Park // Josh Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now