🌖Chapter 43🌖

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California (There Is No End To Love)


from the album Song of Innocence

hehehehe this is part 69. my inner 12 year old is very happy. ALSO YOURE WELCOME FOR THE PICTURE

it had been about a month after josh posted on instagram, the amount of love i had gotten was overwhelming. i decided to make all my social media public and used the following i had to my advantage, me and josh's cats were now all over the internet. (it's been so long that i had to go back to the other chapter to see what they looked like) my instagram was littered with pictures of josh and i, and of course dumb pictures of the cats, and Lucy. (get ready)

@ y/u/n Beansprout got a present from me and @ joshuadun today, made by me of course

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@ y/u/n Beansprout got a present from me and @ joshuadun today, made by me of course.

@ y/u/n Beansprout got a present from me and @ joshuadun today, made by me of course

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Took Mr. Crab Stick out for a hike today.

everyone ate it up, they loved it.

i was sat on the floor watching Jinx and Crab Stick play with each other happily when josh walked in. "hey, y/n" he said looking down at you, tearing his eyes away from his phone.

"yeah, whats up?" he sounded worried and i bit my lip.

"well, you know how... um, well, debby and i are still friends right?" he said anxiously as he knelt down next to me. i put my hand on his knee, not really caring that they were still friends. the past is the past. "well, she wants to come meet you," he shrugged and sat down the full way. i smiled a bit, debby was a nice girl, she commented adorable things on my pictures, and hey, i needed more friends anyway, my life was literally josh, y/bf/n, and work, and the cats. (anyone against another kitten?) "why not, i'd love to meet her," i said and looked up at josh with a smile.  the corners of his lips shyly  tugged up into a smile. i shook my head lightly and chuckled before reaching an arm up and snaking a hand behind his neck, pulling his head down a bit so i could connect our lips momentarily. josh smiled into the kiss and i gently bit his buttom lip before pulling away. (okay i nearly died when i had my bottom lip bit is that just me orrr.... i love it? so much??)

"well?" i asked and josh knotted his eyebrows at me, confusedly. "well...?" he asked back and i snorted. "when am i gonna meet her?" i chuckled and he said "ooooh, she didnt exactly wait for an answer, shes coming here tomorrow." josh said playing with the promise ring around his left ring finger. i sighed as jinx crawled into my lap, "should we get the spare room ready? is she staying here?" i asked and josh shook his head. "i dont know, let me ask her," he said looking back down to his phone. he typed for a few seconds and waited for a reply. moments later, his phone dinged and he grabbed it, looking at her response. "she said if it wasnt a bother if she could stay her a couple nights unless she could get a hotel quickly," i shrugged, "shounds reasonable, why not." i said, grabbing jinx's front paws in each of my hands and moving them up and down as josh texted debby back.


the next morning i woke up to an empty bed, aside from all the cats. from downstairs i could hear people laughing. i bragged my phone from the bedside table and saw a message from josh. debby got here early, i didnt want to wake my sleeping beauty yet, you looked at peace. i smiled and set my phone down, then walked to the bathroom to fix myself up.

after i washed my face and changed, i went back to the bed and grabbed Crab Stick (if you need a refresher:)

i made my way out of the room and down the stair, and there she was in all her glory (any hate will be deleted, i may not have a positive or negative opinion on her, and if you hate her, she doesnt deserve to be hated on, let her live

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i made my way out of the room and down the stair, and there she was in all her glory (any hate will be deleted, i may not have a positive or negative opinion on her, and if you hate her, she doesnt deserve to be hated on, let her live.). josh was sitting on the couch in the living room and she was sitting in the love seat adjacent to him, i grinned when i saw the. as i walked into the room, debby looked and saw me before jumping to her feet and running over to me. i put Crab Stick down before she hugged me and squealed. "y/n, i feel like i know you already, the goof over there never shuts up about you," she said cheerfully as she rocked me back and forth in her arms. i giggled as she let go of me and held me an arms length away. "hi debby, did your flight go alright?" i asked with a big smile. "yeah, everything was great, no delays besides the norm." she dropped her arms and i led her over to where josh was sitting. debby sat back down in the arm chair and i snuggled up next to josh, looking up at him expectantly. he chuckled and leaned down, placing a kiss to my lips, "good morning babe," he said, "theres food for you on here," he said, gesturing to the coffee table where a cup of coffee and some plates sat. two had crumbs on them but one had jelly toast (i fucking love toast with jelly) and a cornbread muffin left over from dinner last night on it. "thanks dun," i said as i reached for the food, taking a bite of a piece of jelly toast and resting my head back on josh's shoulder.

we spent the rest of that saturday afternoon talking and joking, i grew to really like debby. josh said he would handle dinner that night so debby and i could get closer. i decided to pull out uno, you could really learn a lot about a person from uno. so thats what we did, debby and i played uno until josh was done cooking, and i came to the conclusion that debby indeed would be a good friend for me.

:) im back, im sorry for this taking so long


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