🌒Chapter 47🌒

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okay, this is based off of today's events. i finally have something to write about!

"y/n?" tanya called as i walked into the shelter next to the vet clinic. "yes ma'am?" she twiddled her fingers. "josh said he had something to show you and wanted me to tell you to just come home now."

i rolled my eyes, "but i need to do my part here," i sighed, making my way to the back. i felt a hand grab on to my elbow. "dont worry, everything is all done. josh helped me earlier, just go home." the blonde woman said and i scratched my head.

"thanks tanya, i hope i dont have to kill josh when i get back," i said with a small chuckle.

we said our goodbyes and i was walking to the parking lot, making my way to my car.

~time skip because i'm a lazy shit~

i unlocked the front door and opened it slowly, dread and curiosity filling my stomach. "joshua, i swear if this something stupid, my dad is coming tomorrow and i need you to make a good first impression." i said as i closed the door behind me.

i heard the usual sounds of the cats and lucy running up to me and a chuckle from josh following. but when i turned around i was met with something i didnt expect.

"JOSHUA WILLIAM DUN YOU LITTLE SHITHEAD" i yelled in a fake angry tone, bending down to pet the little pooper

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"JOSHUA WILLIAM DUN YOU LITTLE SHITHEAD" i yelled in a fake angry tone, bending down to pet the little pooper. his tag read "Jim dun" and i rolled my eyes at it, before looking up at josh who was staring down at me with anxious eyes.

"i couldnt pass him up." he said, playing with his fingers. "what were you even doing at the shelter?" i asked. "i was bored," josh replied and i rolled my eyes again.

"you cant go back there, we have two dogs and five cats."

"it's better than children," josh said and i shrugged. "true, i mean i love children, but still. true."

i stepped around the mass of animals crowding around my feet and put my hands on josh's chest before looking up into his eyes and leaning up for a kiss.

"but anyway, hi." i said with a small smile, wondering what i did to deserve all this.

josh grabbed my hand and led me into the kitchen, "i made dinner in case you were made at me for getting jim." he said as he presented (y/f/m) (your favorite meal) to me, all set up and ready for the two of us.

~it's the next day now! this is when your dad comes to visit. in my case, i have a single brother, two step brothers and a step sister, and my step mom because my mom died neary ten years ago now. i have no idea what it's like to have a mom whatsoever (my family is very christian and my step mom didnt move in with us until she and my dad got married, which was last month the day after smokey was put down), and i know all of you have a different amount of siblings, so i'm just having a dad come over. not to mention that i'm on my last straw with my dad's wife, if you want to know why just check out an a/n i made a while ago called something along the lines of a not-so-little a/n. besides that there are a lot of other things that i dislike. okay, if you want it to be a mom, this is fiction, you can put whatever you want in.)

Light in the Park // Josh Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now