🌒Chapter 17🌒

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~y/n pov~

Joshie 💛: oh I am too fun that's why it's a surprise

I sighed and gently moved the sleeping Jinx off of my stomach, careful not to wake her. I'm glad that I'm doing something tomorrow, I just hate it when people do stuff for me, I'm just me you know, nothing special, I don't deserve special treatment, but I shake the feeling off because my therapist told me not to think like that.

I turned so I was sitting on the edge of my bed and picked my phone up again.

Me: i guess, it still wouldn't hurt to know.

I put my phone down after I texted him that and waited. Ten minutes went bye and he still hadn't answered, normally he would answer even if the conversation was running dry.

Me: Joshua where did you go.

I waited again, nothing and I figured he was avoiding the question.

Me: well, goodnight then 😊

I sighed and pulled the phone app up and dialed y/bf/n's number. They answered after the first ring.

"y/n!" I heard their happiness to talk to me through the phone.

"y/bf/n! I can trust you not to tell anyone, I mean ANYONE with what I'm about to tell you?"

"im offended that you would even ask?" they laughed jokingly.

"okay well.... um you see... the thing... I wanted to tell you sooner but you weren't doing well the day it started and--" they cut me off. "y/n just spit it out!"

"so you know the day you left Brian? Yeah um well I wasn't doing well that night as you may or may not know already, so I went for a run in the park and you wouldn't believe what happened."


"where do I start. Um well so I was singing and running with my eyes closed, you know cause ive ran there so many times that I know it like the back of my hand, and I was singing goner and I um I kinda I um."


"long story short I ran into josh sun, quite literally, I ended up on top of him." I finally rushed out choking on half of my words. The other line was silent for thirty seconds and I thought they hung up.

"JOSH FUCKING DUN, YOU RAN IN TO JOSH DN AND KNOCKED HIM OVER YOU BETTER NOT HAVE HURT HIM OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL--" I held the phone away from my ear and I could still hear them yelling.

"no I didn't hurt him I swear to you he's fine," I promised them.

"okay so how long ago was this and what happened next."

"well a month ago tomorrow. And if you really wanna know, we laid on the big hill in the park that's by the forest entrance and looked at the stars and I told him about... well... what was troubling me, he wishes you the best by the way, and he well.... he took me back to his house and made me sleep there so he knew I would be alright and live through the night basically."

"that was sweet of him." They said sincerely.

"yeah I agree, and long story short I called you from his house to apologize and then I couldn't sleep so we watched finding dory and we fell asleep on the couch together and we woke up the next morning at noon and made pancakes together while listening to Panic! and he um... well um... we kissed." Another long pause.

"you're telling me" i could barely hear them, "THAT YOU FUCKING ALMOST KILLED THE MAN AND THEN KISSED HIM THE NEXT DAY, OH MY GOD GET IT Y/N! I WITH YOU TOLD ME EARLIER!" they shouted at me again and I busted out laughing.

"chill out chill out we aren't a thing it's okay, but we've hung out a lot since then. Tomorrow is our one month 'friend-iversary' and he said he's doing something special for me but wouldn't tell me what and now he's ignoring me so I called you because I wanted to keep you in the loop."

"ooh well tell me how it goes, are you getting him anything?" I heart sank.

"I hadn't even thought of that, is the music store opened? Im gonna get him drumsticks and decorate them." I thought out loud.

"well it's a little after 10:30 if you rush you might make it." y/bf/n responded and I smiled.

"thank you so much y/bf/n I'll talk to you later! Stay street,"

"stay alive."

"goodnight." I said before hanging up and running downstairs to my car. The music store was down the street and I bought josh's favorite brand of drumstick and hurried to the craft store around the corner. I parked my car and ran into the store to grab spray paint. Um favorite color favorite color favorite color, pink. I thought to myself as I looked around for the best match (a/n idk what his favorite color is, he just dyed his hair pink twice so I went with that.) and sighed in relief when I found it then ran the tubes of acrylic paint in the back of the store and grabbed two tubes of black paint and a tube of white and a small paint brush to paint a design onto the stick with. Sick let's go I thought as I ran to the front of the store and checked out right before it closed.

I quickly got in my car and drove home. I parked my car in the garage and grabbed the spray paint and drumsticks and quickly but carefully sprayed them once over with the pink chemicals. I let it dry before spraying another coat on it and set them down on a rag I had on the floor before locking my car and turning the light off. I walked up to my room panting from the excitement and changed into a tee shirt and shorts and climbed into bed. I scrolled through my phone for a while in the dark under the covers before falling asleep, still hearing nothing from Josh.

Light in the Park // Josh Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now