🌘Chapter 38🌘

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this gif has nothing to do with the chapter, it's just hysterical.

Drummer Boy


from the album Connect the Dots

(From Izzy 2020, so sad that Mandy isnt with the guy this song is about anymore :( )

*cracks knuckles* if you arent into smut i suggest you click off of this chapter and wait for the next update. xx

My hand gripped onto Josh's as i pulled him back to the beach, giggling like a small child. we ran past tyler and jenna to where sarah and brendon dropped their swimsuits and did the same, before running into the water with them, shivering as we entered.

brendon was holding sarah bridal styler when we met with them and took an arm from under her legs to wave at us. sarah looked up at us, away from brendon's face where her eyes were fixated before, and waved too. "hi guys," she said with a smile as we approached, the water chilly around our bare bodies. "hey love, birds," josh said and brendon play punched him for what must have been the fiftieth time today.

"so, do you wanna play a game or just talk?" brendon asked as i linked my arm with josh's. neither of us really wanted to play a game, our minds preoccupied with what was to come.

"let's just relax, yeah?" i asked and leaned back, letting myself float on top of the water, urging josh to do the same, but instead he floated on his stomach, mostly to hide the condom. i stared up at the sky, all the stars and the moon twinkled. brendon and sarah were soon laughing loudly and i stole a glance at josh, he looked back at me knowingly and i smiled, eager for him. i paddled closer to him and reached my hand under him, pumping his length a couple times, telling him it's time.

we let the current slowly sweep us away from the dark haired couple, and when the laughing was for sure in the distance, josh and i stood up, the water only to our waists, and trod into deeper water, it leveled off at my neck, his shoulders here.

i looked up at him and smiled and he put his hands on my hips, pulling me into him and i wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his head down, connecting our lips, little fireworks going off in my head and chest. it was innocent at first, but soon i built up some confidence and raised my knee up between josh's legs, rubbing it against his dick. he stifled a moan in my mouth as i did it again, and he deepened the kiss, wrapping his arm around me and pushing himself onto my knee.

i whined into his mouth as i pulled my knee away from him and he broke the kiss, staring deep into my eyes as he smiled and put his hands under my thighs. Josh leaned for ward and whispered, "jump," in my ear. i did so as shivers rip up my spine, his finger tips push into the backs of my thighs as he pulls me up to straddle him. i wrap my legs around his hip and places an arm around my back, moving his right arm underwater and he wrapped his fingers around his hard length. he finds my entrance and slides in, pleasure washing over both of us.

i unwrapped an arm from around his neck and bit down on my fingers, careful not to make any noise as josh gripped my hips and slowly thrusted in and out. "hey," he said between soft moans, bringing a hand up to my face and pulling mine away, then bringing it to rest on his shoulder. "let me hear you, just not too much princess," he said and i nodded, more pleasure shooting through me as i burnt red with the nickname.

he picked up the pace a bit and i let out small whimpers, seemingly fueling the pleasure josh was getting from it, as every time i moaned, he moaned louder. we were both panting and sweating and i desperately pulled myself up to josh's face, kissing him tentatively, wanting more and more and more, josh delivering as he pushed into the kiss and rammed into me harder. i lightly bit on his bottom lip (omg lip bites are so fucking, im sorry. i dont even know how to explain it) and smiled as i pulled away. i released his lip as he leaned forward and whispered in my ear again, "im close baby," and i nodded feverishly, "me too," i said as i felt the heat pooling in my stomach. after a few more sloppy thrusts, i threw my head back and josh hugged me close, we both moaned as we came together, josh latching his teeth to my collarbone, biting it softly before he sucked a hickey to it.

josh slowed his thrusts as we rode through our highs, laughing as we looked into each others eyes, i was so glad i agreed to this. "thank you joshua," i said and placed a peck to his lips, he leaned fowards again and kissed up my neck, leaving goose bumps crawling all over my body, until he reached my earlobe, which he nibbled, and i moaned under his touch. "i love you," he whispered in my hear before he kissed my nose, "i love you more," i said and rubbed my hands up and down his back. "impossible," josh said as he finally slid out of me.

"let's get back to bren and sarah?" i asked and as my face turned bright red. "yeah, jump on my back," josh said as he crouched down a bit after we waded into more shallow water. i climbed on his back and straddled it, he snaked his arms around my legs and i loved the way his tattoos shone from the moonlight glistening off of the water collected on his skin. i smiled to myself as josh made his way through the water, back to brendon and sarah.

"hey man," he said as i smiled and waved when we got over to them. they both looked at each other and quirked their eyebrows, "hey, lovebirds," brendon said and gestured to the hickey on my chest. i covered my face in embarrassment, and josh tensed up beneath me. "dude, you just got laid, theres nothing embarrassing about it," brendon said and sarah laughed.

"maybe it's time to go back to the hotel," just said and looked around his shoulder at me, i nodded furiously. "a really? no round two?" brendon joked as josh turned back to the shore and started trudging through the water. he called over his shoulder to brendon, "that's what the hotel is for bren!" and laughed, i kicked him in the hip.  "ow!" he laughed harder and looked at me, "what?" he asked. i just kissed his neck and dug my heels into his hips liek you would a horse, "faster, i want to go back to the hotel and shower," i said, wiggling my eyebrows and smirking at him as i added the last part, josh nodded quickly and ran out of the water, brendon and sarah whooping and hollering behind us.

we got back to where the swimsuits were and quickly put them on and ran over to tyler and jenna, who seemed to have packed up brendon's stuff for him. i smiled as i saw jenna curled up in tyler's lap, twirling a few strands of hair around her fingers. "look at how cute you two are," i cooed as we approached them, still stumbling a bit. tyler smiled at us, "did you two have fun," he smirked and rolled his eyes playfully as josh and i blushed. "yes, we did, now. y/n and i are still buzzed from earlier, could you please drive back." josh rushed out, words slurred slightly. tyler chuckled and nodded, he shook jenna and she opened her pretty blue eyes and glanced up at us with a smile before standing up off of tyler's lap. "let's get you two wrecks back to the hotel," tyler said as he stood up too.

we gathered our floaties and shoes, and found the rest of our clothes and towels before waving to brendon and sarah and heading back to the jeep. josh and i crashed in the back seat and i threw the keys to tyler since they were still in my cover-up pocket. "thank you," i muttered as i drowsily leaned into josh's shoulder, his shirt soaked through since he didnt dry off very well before getting dressed again. i listened to the beat of his heart as tyler turned the car on and Drummer Boy by MisterWives played over the stereo, and i couldnt help but think, what did i do to deserve you, Josh?

as tyler pulled out of the parking lot and started driving down the street, josh wrapped an arm protectively around my shoulder as i fell asleep in his embrace.

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