🌒Chapter 32🌒

635 13 7

Close But Not Quite

Everything Is Recorded featuring Sampha

from the album Close But Not Quite

So far with the poll there are 12 votes for sunshine dunshine and 9 votes for egghead dun. just a reminder that you have until the 15th of August at 6:00 EST to cast a vote on the previous chapter. Now, on with the book and thank you for your patience.

I changed my mind, one more thing, 15K READS HOLY FUCK THANKS EVERYONE, okay, now on with the book.

ALSO this is a filler. sorry about it (i promise im not being sarcastic)

"so Cub, it's 9:15," Josh said to me as he opened up our hotel room door and led me in. "what are you up to?"

i looked around the large, fancy room and gasped, "holy shit this is nice

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i looked around the large, fancy room and gasped, "holy shit this is nice..." i trailed off, Josh's question left floating in the air between us as i strolled father into the room, dragging my hands across the desk by the window before i plopped down onto the bed. "y/n" josh coughed from the door, starling me out of my train of thought. "hmm?" i hummed and looked over at him.

"i said, it's 9:15, what are you up to doing," Josh repeated, "we're gonna go to the beach with Ty and Jenna at 1, we have a little under 4 hours." i couldn't really think straight at this point, i was in deep with this sunshine haired boy that stood across from me. i just smiled at him and patted the bed next to me for josh to sit down.

he made his way over to the bed and flopped down next to me, i turned my body to face him and sat criss-cross, Josh doing the same. we looked into each other's eyes for a moment before he gently caressed my cheek in a soft hand and i hooked my arms around his neck, pulling him in and enveloping his lips in mine. i closed my eyes as he leaned into me and i melted into his touch, his other hand finding my waist and he softly pulled me into his lap. i straddled my legs around him as he slowly laid down on his back. i swiped my tongue over his bottom lip and he opened his mouth, allowing me to explore. after a moment, josh firmly wrapped his arms around my tummy and flipped around so he was on top. he pulled away and propped himself up and i whined from the loss of contact. he looked down at me with a goofy little smile before hushing me, "ssssh Cub," he reached a hand out to stroke my cheek with before leaning down and pressing little pecks to my lips, making his was down (i promise there's no smut in this chapter) my neck and lifting my shirt up, kissing around my bellybutton. i wriggled around under his soft touch and laced my fingers through Josh's lemon hair, tugging him back up to my face and placed a kiss to his lips, before sitting up and brushing my fingers through my hair.

"we should get breakfast," i suggested, finally answering his question with a smirk. "oh you tease," Josh said as he stood up from the bed and took me into his arms and rocking me back and forth to whatever song he had in his head. "that sounds good, then we should go shopping for what we need for the beach since i didn't bring stuff like sunscreen and towels," he suggested as he gently pushed me away so he could lean down and kiss me again. when we broke away i nodded at him, "okay. let's get ready to go."

Light in the Park // Josh Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now