🌕Chapter 19🌕

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~y/n pov~

y/bf/n snuck out the back door as I sat in the living room waiting for josh to come get me. I pulled jinx into my lap and snuggled with her while I sat on the couch, butterflies threatening to spill out of my chest. Jinx stood up on my lap and pawed at the brim of my maroon baseball hat before biting it between tiny kitten teeth. I giggled and wrapped my fingers around her rounding tummy to pull her away from me as i heard a knock on my door. I stood up and readjusted my hat as I sauntered over to the door. I stood there for a second and composed myself, "in out, in out, in out.  I may not know where we're going but it will be fun.

I sighed and placed my hand on the doorknob, turned it slowly, and opened the door. Josh stood there smiling, clad in his signature NASA tee and black ripped skinny jeans, a black snapback sat backwards atop his fluffy yellow hair (a/n in case you forgot what he was wearing since it's been like a week). He opened his arms up and I almost out of habit fell into them and was embraced in his warmth.

"hi," I looked up at him and whispered. Josh laughed and I felt his chest vibrate as the beautiful sounds poured out of him, "are you ready to go?" he asked me, loosening his grip on me before letting go and backing away. I nodded, "yeah, let's go."

Josh and I walked to his car, and I reached for the handle of the passenger side door but it was locked. "hey josh? Mind unlocking it?" he just laughed and grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the car and across the street.

I was confused to say the least (a/n me 24/7) as josh entwined our fingers and guided me into the park. "I haven't been back here since I met you," I whispered to him and looked over at him with a smile. I could feel my hand start sweating in his as I played with the hem of the grey hoodie tied around my waist with the other hand.

We made it to the point where we fell and josh stopped abruptly. "stop here," he said, dropping my hand. "close your eyes and cover them with your hands, I'll guide you."

"are you gonna take me somewhere and kill me?" I half laughed, half meant it. Josh nervously chuckled and said, "of course not, trust me." So I did, I closed my eyes and covered them up and I felt josh's hands rest on my shoulder. "okay, walk forward, I'll tell you where to go."

I walked in the dark with Josh's hands guiding me, I felt the ground slop up then down under foot as we went over a hill and then the air around me grew cooler as we walked out of the sun and into apparent shade. "josh, where are we going?" I asked him and I heard him chuckle behind me, "you can open your eyes now."

I slowly pulled my hands away from my face and flit my eyes open. It took a moment for me to register what happened. "oh my god josh, this is amazing!"

I looked around the small clearing in the trees that we were in. The pines and maples were decorated with twinkling white and rainbow fairy lights, golden streamers were wrapped around the trunks and also hanging from branches. There were also paper lanterns seemingly floating in the sky and I took a step further into the clearing and look at everything else he has set up around. There were forget me nots scattered around the ground and also on a picnic table, where there were also two boxes of pizza and pancakes set out. Under the big sycamore tree there was the hunter green blanket we shared the night I met him with uno and twister and other board games scattered around, and a speaker set up playing Panic! At the Disco.

"happy one month friend-iversary y/n," josh whispered behind me and pulled me into a hug which I graciously took and returned. "you didn't have to do all this Josh!" I said cheerily. "it looks like it took a lot of work." "you're worth it, also tyler helped me," he smiled and released me from a hug.

"so, what do you wanna do first?"

Super short i know but i have the next chapter too to post right now

Light in the Park // Josh Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now