🌘Chapter 22🌘

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Josh and I had been dating for three weeks now, really nothing has changed between us. Before we always spent every moment we could together, but now we just showed the effection that we had pent up inside of us.
We were sitting comfortably in my living room, snuggled up on the couch together, Jinx curled up between us, when I had an idea.
"Hey joshie?" I asked nervously and looked up into his coffee brown eyes.
"Mmm," he hummed in response, his chest vibrating against my head. "I was wondering um... If you'd like to see the lyrics t-to one of my songs?" It's okay if you dont I'm just-- I really wanna show you and I think im ready and--" he bent his head down and placed a small kiss to my lips and I sighed and avoided his eyes. "Of course I'd love to hear the lyrics to one of your songs." Josh took my chin in his rough hands and turned it to face him. "I will listen to whatever you want to show me, I promise. Now whenever you're ready, go ahead and show me," he pressed his forehead to mine and I watched his highlighter hair flutter in the winds of our breath before i nodded and gently picked Jinx up before hopping off the couch to gab my journal.
"I'll be right back, my journal is upstairs." I trotted up the stairs with a sleeping jinx in my arms and padded down the hall to my room. My worn leather journal was sitting on my bedside table, bursting at the seems with scrap paper filled with scribbled notes and lyrics, poems and drawings. The actual pages of the journal had my almost diary entries on them, but i think the most important is the creative stuff that I have separated from the feelings.
Nonetheless, i turned towards the door and went back downstairs and paused at the base of the steps to take a deep breath. What if he doesnt like the lyrics? What is he thinks I'm stupid because I can only do lyrics and I haven't been able to write the actual music? I breathed and tried my hardest to rid my thoughts of those questions and walked back over to the couch, handing Jinx to Josh, whom quickly cuddles her to his chest and kisses her head. I plopped down next to the cute and cuddly pair and flipped through all the papers until i found the one that wanted to show Josh. "Cherry Tree" the title read.
"Okay, this one is called Cherry tree."  I took another breath and I unfolded the paper and began to read the lyrics.
"Meet me under the cherry tree my friend.
It's where we used to play.
As children you were always there
But now you are away.

Meet me under the cherry tree my friend.
I've been waiting for you.
What did I do for you to leave?
Why have you left me?

Because my friend there days
Under this cherry tree
Are cold and lonely without you
I need you back
I want you back.

As a child i took you for granted.
Never thought id be without you.
But now my friend
You've left me alone
Under this cherry tree.

We used to play here together
Memories just seem to fly by
And I look up and see you returning
Only for you to pull out a knife."
My eyes began to well with tears. I'd only shown any of my songs to my therapist, I was so nervous I was shaking and Josh grabbed my free hand and rubbed small circles into it.
A deep breath in and I continued...
"A backstabbee is what you are
I feel your blade grace my spine
I cry out, you look down at me
And dry my eyes.

Meet me under the cherry tree my friend
It's where we used to play
You're fake, you always come and go.
I wish you'd just stay

Because mt friend these days
Under this cherry tree
Are cold and lonely with you here.
Where are you here,
You aren't real.

Just stay
Please stay
Take me back to the days
Just stay."
I let the tears fall from my eyes and folded the paper up again. Josh looked at me sympathetically and pulled me into a hug. "That was beautiful." I sniffed into his shoulder and mumbled thanks to him. "If you dont mind me asking, who was this about?" This made me smile. "That's exactly my point, you think it's about a person?" I asked him, obviously perked up quite a bit. "Yeah, is it not?" Josh inquired, eyebrows knitting in confusing. I jumped up off the couch and danced in circle. "NOPE IT'S NOT!" I giggled and sat back down. "I really wanted everyone to think it's about a person but it really has another meaning. it's about happiness." I smiled at Josh and played with his curling yellow hair nonchalantly. "I see it now, wow that makes it so much more interesting, do you have want music to go with it?"
I sighed, "no, I kinda know how i want it to sound but other than that nothing, I couldn't find something i liked."
"I'm taking you to Tyler soon and see if he can help you at least see how he writes his music. Y/n this is great, I'm so excited for you!" He pulled me into another hug and I smiled, I'm glad that both people i showed the song to had the same reaction. Also, during the whole time Josh and I had been hanging out, I'd never met him I was excited to finally meet the man whom I owe my life.

Hi that is actually my song and that's the actual meaning and so yeah. I'm alive bitches waddup jk I love you all, thank you so much for 900 reads guys!!!!! I'll try updating more often, I'm not sure how kuch I'll be able to next week as im going to Florida to visit family but I will try to update more regularly. If you have any feedback to the song that would be lovely. This is all true, my therapist reacted to the song just like Josh did, my dad said it had really good structure and that's all I've shown. Anyway, enjoy, and I'll see you all soon ((((:

Light in the Park // Josh Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now