Summer Antics

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Ever feel like life is a blur? That's how I felt in the past three years. With so much chaos these past years, I hadn't had time to catch my breath. Some good came out of it, such as getting engaged, and Frazier gets married along with Jordan, giving Elena a promise ring.

What sucked was the psycho lunatic wreaking havoc with us. You remember Ashley, Mario's sister. I hated her in high school, and I hate her even more than ever.

Did I also mention my idiot fiancé grew a full beard? Yep, he thought, it made him more mature. I think it made him look like an idiot. I know most women like men with beards, but I hated how food always gets stuck in them.

It led to me chasing him with an electric razor around our room.

"Come on, Alex," Ryan says as he stood on the other side of the bed.

"If you don't shave it! I will!" I threatened.

"All women like beards!" He yelled.

"I don't!" I yelled back.

"Can't we compromise?" He asked me.

I stood there looking at him. "Such as?"

He looked at me from across the bed. "How about I trim it to a goatee?"

I gave him a look, then heard someone say, "Give the guy a break, at least he's willing to compromise?"

I looked over to see Frazier leaning against the door frame. Oh, did I mention he grew a beard as well? What is it with these yutzes doing the same thing?

"Frazier stay out of it, or I'll get Marissa to shave yours," I warned as I glared at him.

"You wouldn't?" He asked, offended.

"I would," I smirked.

"Bro, you're on your own," he told Ryan.

"Thanks, you coward," he snapped.

"Hey, I like my beard," Frazier mentioned. Ryan rolled his eyes.

As we had a stare-down with the razor in my hand, I heard another person say something, "All this for a beard?"

We looked at Jordan, and I rolled my eyes. "And I'm sure Elena is pleased with yours?"

"She loves it." He shrugged. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, they all grew a beard.

"Be reasonable, Alex," Ryan pleaded with me.

"Fine," I said, tossing the electric razor onto the bed as I walked out of the room past the other two yahoos. It was one argument I would not win no matter what I tried.

"Why doesn't she likes beards?" Jordan asked.

"It's a stupid reason," he shook his head.

They both looked at him, and Frazier pressed it further. "What's the reason, Ryan?"

"Well," I said.

"Hahahaha. Are you kidding me?" Frazier was trying to catch his breath while Jordan was trying to stop laughing.

"You two are a bunch of comedians," he grumbled.

"Dude, why don't you trim it close and make sure you wash it before enjoying your dessert?" Jordan remarked as Frazier fell on the floor, laughing even more.

"I even offered that, but she refused it. What was I supposed to do?" He whined.

"Damn a grown man whining over whether to keep a beard." Jordan shook his head.

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