Damn, dude, wrap your shit!

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I finally got released from the hospital, and the swelling eventually went down as the bruises faded. Unfortunately, it stuck me with my cast for another six weeks. Have you ever tried to shower or bathe with a cast, trying not to get it wet? It's virtually impossible no matter what plastic bag you wrap it.

Ryan helped me, which I think he loved so he could have an excuse to see me naked, perve. He also had to help me with certain clothes and my shoes. It's tough to tie your shoes with one okay hand.

The worst part was the itching, and boy did it itch. I would find anything I could stick it in there to itch it. I think I lost two pens and pencils in there. I also got yelled at by the guys every time one of them caught me. Trying to lock the door to keep them away from me so I could itch in peace didn't work since they learned how to pick locks, drat.

It stuck me with this stupid thing on me, on Valentine's Day no less. I did not enjoy getting dressed up and going out, so Ryan made us a romantic dinner and have a picnic in our room with a romantic comedy marathon.

We were in the second movie when we heard doors slamming and someone crying. This commotion could not be good. Ryan helped me up off the floor, and we opened the door to find Frazier at his door, talking into it, "Come on, Marissa. Open up. What did I do? I promise I will never do it again."

I looked at Ryan, and he looked at me. We shrugged, and Frazier did something stupid, so we went back to our movie when we heard a door open up. We turned back around to see a frantic Marissa crying for him, "Too late, asshole!"

"What did I do, honey?" He asked, his voice raised. We stood there. Okay, maybe we shouldn't be watching this, but it was hard with the way they were carrying on.

"Baby, please tell me what I wronged?" Frazier pleaded with her.

As we stood there, Elena and Jordan were on their way up the stairs from their date, when Marissa screamed, "I'm fucking pregnant! Are you happy now?" Then she slammed the door shut.

It shocked me, then I looked at Ryan and saw the color drain from his face. I didn't know what to say until I heard Jordan say, "Damn, dude, wrap it!"

Ryan and I poked our heads out the doorway to see Elena and Frazier standing there with an exasperated look on their faces. I facepalmed my forehead with the wrong hand. I guess shock will do that. I started yelping from not only pain with my forehead, but my wrist.

The four of them looked at me incredulously as I muttered, "Sorry."

While the guys dealt with Frazier and his unexpected news, Elena and I talked to Marissa. She only opened the door when she realized it was just us and yanked us both inside the room, slamming the door shut.

I winced in pain when she grabbed my arm with the cast.

"Oh, Alex, I'm so sorry," she apologized.

"It's okay," I said, trying to shake off the pain.

"Marissa, what do you mean you're pregnant," Elena asked.

She gave her a look, "Well, when a man and woman have sex, sometimes the man is an idiot and forgoes the protection," she said sarcastically.

"Well, damn, you don't have to be nasty about it," Elena muttered.

"I'm sorry. It's I wasn't expecting this," Marissa said, pacing back and forth. We took a seat on the bed and watched her walk back and forth as she talked to herself. "What was I going to do? How could we be so stupid? It's no big deal. All I have to do is get through school; then, I'll figure it out."

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