Now what?

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We said our goodbyes to Marissa, returning to Christine's house. In two days, we started our last and final semester of college, and with also dealing with two lunatics on the loose, it was making it harder than it needed to be.

Classes resumed, and we were a few weeks into the new semester. I came walking out of the classroom, and before I knew it, someone put a white cloth over my mouth and nose, pressing it tightly. I tried not to breathe, but they made me inhale, causing everything to go dark.


I pulled open the door to the girl's bathroom and was on my way to meet Jordan when someone grabbed me, putting a white cloth over my nose and mouth. I tried to fight them, but they gripped me to the point I inhaled the chemical on the fabric. I tried to fight against it, but my eyelids grew heavy, and darkness overtook me.


I waited for Elena for thirty minutes before I realized something was wrong. It was unlike her to be late or not show up. I headed to see where she was, and as I turned the corner, I felt something struck me. I felt like a truck hit me, and I hit the floor. I lifted my head. Then they hit me again, closing my eyes and letting the darkness take over.


I hung up the phone after talking to Marissa and headed to my next class until someone threw a cloth bag over my head. My first reaction was that this was some prank until I smelt it, then felt my eyes get heavy. Before I knew it, I lost all consciousness and felt my legs giving way and hitting the ground with a thud.


I headed to Alex's class to pick her up, but when I arrived, I found her bag and books scattered about on the floor. I looked in the classroom to find it empty; then, I went searching. I called everyone, but they all went to voicemail, and it was then I knew there was an issue. As I dialed another number and hit send, I felt something hit the back of my head, taking me down quickly. I tried to move until I felt a boot connect with my face, knocking me completely out.

Hello? Ryan? Are you there?

The person picked up Ryan's phone, holding it to their cheek and, in a low voice, said, "Ryan's too busy to come to the phone right now."

What? Who is this?

"Wouldn't you like to know? But I'll see you real soon," they said with a smirk. Then they dropped the phone on the floor, smashing it with their foot.


I woke up feeling groggy. Everything was blurry, and I had a raging headache. As I got my eyes to focus, I looked to see the five of us sitting in a circle with our backs to the wall and our hands tied behind our back and our feet tied up.

I looked to see Jordan with a broken nose and blood around his mouth; then, I saw Ryan. My eyes widen. His face was worse. He had a swollen eye, and they battered his face.

Ever feel like your life was a dream? Yeah, well, mine was a freaking nightmare.

I watched as each one came to from being knocked out. Everyone all groaned as we tried to wake up. Ryan and Jordan cried mainly from pain. As soon as Ryan woke up and saw me, he got angry. He quietly asked, "You okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

"I'm okay," I whispered back to him.

"Where are we?" Elena groaned.

"I don't know. Some building of some sort," I said, looking around. My calm demeanor surprised everyone, considering I should be in a full panic attack right about now.

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