Here we go again

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After the hellish night of Homecoming, I decided no more school dances. There's always someone who screws it up and ruins the fun, even if it means I escaped covered in the punch. Although Ryan was happy, he didn't have to clean up afterward.

I look like a hot mess with smeared makeup, a rat's nest on my head that I think was my hair and a torn dress. As soon as we arrived home, I ran upstairs to take a shower.

Mason was in the living room reading when he heard us come in. He set his book down and looked over his reading glasses. "Do I even want to know why Alex has been to hell and back?"

Everyone looked at him, and Ryan just shook his head, following me.

"Well," Mason asked, looking at the other two guys as the girls went upstairs, leaving them to fend for themselves.

"Alex had a slight altercation at the dance," Frazier said with a wince.

"Did she win?" He asked.

Frazier looked at Jordan, who said, "Yep."

Mason picked up his book, mumbling, "I guess she'll fit right in with the rest of us." Frazier and Jordan looked at each other, shrugging, heading upstairs.

After a nice hot shower and scrubbing my body cleaned, I dressed and came out of the bathroom, drying my hair. Ryan came in, closing the door, and started removing his tie and suit coat.

I climbed onto the bed, sitting Indian style while he unbuttoned his shirt. I couldn't tell if he was angry or disappointed with me. I figured the less I talked, the better. As he pulled his dress shirt out of his pants, he walked over and sat down on the bed facing me.

I couldn't look at him being so embarrassed about how I acted. Then I felt him lift my chin, making me face him. "You okay?"

"Mostly, I am. Are you mad?" I asked with big eyes.

"Why would I be mad?" He asked.

"Because of how I acted," I answered.

Then the thing I wasn't expecting to happen did. Ryan smiled.

"No, I'm not mad. I'm damn proud. Alex, you've come a long way from the girl I originally met. I could not be more proud of you than I am right now."

I gave him a soft smile, and he pulled me into a kiss deepening it. He put both hands on the side of my face as he pulled me to him. I put my hands on his arms as he laid me down with him on top of me. As our kiss intensified, we undressed, and he made love to me.

I lay there looking up into his chocolate brown eyes. He had his arms on each side of my head with a sheet wrapped around his waist. He looked at me, playing with my hair. "I think this is by far, my favorite place to be."

I laughed. "Only because we're naked."

"Can't beat that," he smirked.

I laughed more, then I felt his hand move, and I started laughing, "Ryan!"

He looked at me innocently. "What? I did nothing."

"Sure, you didn't," I giggled, then he threw the sheet over his head. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just mind your own business," he said under the sheets.

"Ryan," I said, and before I could finish, he pulled me under the sheets with him and having fun with me.

I woke up, and Ryan was sleeping on his back. I looked down and realized we were still naked. Well, shit. I hurried up and threw on some clothes because you never know when Frazier would come bursting into our room just as he did at that exact moment as I finished dressing, landing onto Ryan.

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